Annie barrel going away


Rick Curtis

:eek: I'm a prone shooter headed for the Nationals at Camp Perry this July and I think my Annie barrel is going south on me. It's been opening up a little, I've been getting less and less X's. Now it's started to give me some odd shot's. I recently purchased a bore scope and I can see some leading in the barrel. I'm getting that scrubbed out and will test again this weekend. My question is if the barrel still shows signs of not wanting to shoot does anyone have a good smith who could rebarrel it in the next couple of weeks? This is a 54 action with the original factory barrel.

Thanks, Rick Curtis
Did ya think of Doan??? give him a call in calif.
Is that barrel rough from the round count? do ya have 6 "O" clock erosion in the throate? If the leading is down the tube as in rough then it's time I'm shure.

He's busy getting two Palma rifles ready for me and a friend, when I asked him about the Annie he said he don't do em much. I'm going to run another 20-30 JB patches in and then switch to Iasso tonight. Sure hope it shoots when I get all the crap out of it.

Rick Curtis

Is that Doan as in Doan Trevor? If so, Say hi for me next time you talk to him. Used to shoot high power with him.

Ken Henderson

I will be shooting a match with Doan early next month and would be glad to say hi for ya

Rick Curtis
Thanks Rick. I missed him last time he was here. Good guy, good shot, does nice stock work too. Tell him I still have the .308 he built for me.

cleaning the Annie

Rick what are you using to clean that girl?? do try the Top Engine Cleaner (old formula) from Courtesy Chevrolet, i'tl dust that lead.

dokey the part number is 1050002 from your friendly GM parts man.
If you find some do buy as much as you can afford.


I was using only Kroil. I think now I have the old girl back to shooting. I used JB, Iosso and finally Flitz. No evidence of lead and not much of the lands either,(just kidding). I took her out and shot the prone course last Sat. Took only 8 rounds to settle and finished down three with 135X on a cool and windy AZ day. The wierd off call shots are gone and the groups are much tighter than they were.

Dirty barrels

Now ya understand why Lones Wigger cleans after each card.
but He had too with the Federal stuff as it would lead bad.
I syill think that the Top Engine Cleaner will clean lead well.