annealed brass




i just had a bunch of old brass annealed, they all came from different barrels
with different reamers..(all 262 necks)

would it be safe to run them in my new barrels or would accuracy suffer?
Safe, most


i just had a bunch of old brass annealed, they all came from different barrels
with different reamers..(all 262 necks)

would it be safe to run them in my new barrels or would accuracy suffer?

likely. Accurate, only testing will tell.

As long as it sizes smooth, chambers smooth and extracts properly, it's ok. All my chambers are very...very close and can interchange brass with no problems. The annealing you have done is very good. The only area that could cause you a problem is at the base. Watch that closely during sizing vs your set back.

If the brass was accurate before, it should be now also.

I have had cases that shot better after annealing, than they did prior. I think the process made the brass closer in consistency, considering that cases were work hardened, & sized a differing amount of times, before the anneal.....

Once annealed, a case should be run through a full length die. It then becomes whatever the full length die makes it to be. The point is, it's your die that makes cases what they are and if you aren't shooting your rifle to a point where you need to re-size you probably aren't realizing the potential of your rifle. Worry less about your chamber and more about what your die is giving you.

Guys i wasn't sure, i thought it would work fine just wanted to make sure.
thanks again.