Angle Tree Stone IR 50/50 3 gun and UL Match Saturday, April 25th


New member
Angle Tree Stone will be hosting this season's first IR 50/50 3 gun and UL match on Saturday April 25th. Registration is at 8:00 and the 3 gun start time will be at 9:00. Please let me know if you are planning to attend so I can get a headcount for lunch. If you need directions or have questions give me a call at 508 695 3373. Hope to see some new faces and looking forward to seeing the regulars.

Bob Hill
Wind Machine

No trigger pulling contest tomorrow at Angle Tree , it's going to be a shooters day. The wind machine
is already running at full speed. Come on down if you dare. Gotta get a head count for lunch so let Bobby
know if ya coming
Thanks Ray
No trigger pulling contest tomorrow at Angle Tree , it's going to be a shooters day. The wind machine
is already running at full speed. Come on down if you dare. Gotta get a head count for lunch so let Bobby
know if ya coming
Thanks Ray

I'm coming but I think I may be dead meat. Michael was nice enough to shut off the wind switch in my lane at Easthampton last week. I would hope the Hill's would also extend me that same gracious gesture tomorrow.

Help, I forgot some gear at Easthampton on April 18th...

In preparation for tomorrow's match at Angletree, I just realized that I left my good extra long cleaning rod and my cleaning stand on the bench in the pistol range next to the BR match range at Easthampton's match last week. Does anyone know if some kind soul collected it and kept it safe for return to the forgetful owner?

Hopefully, it did not sprout legs and walk away.
Bench Dog

The weather man predicted a warm south west breeze from three to five mph, with temperature
in the low eighties. Now he could be wrong so we'll have to wait and see LOL.
Looking forward to seeing yah Keith, glad you can make it. Kevin, I have you're cleaning equipment.
Hope to see all the old gang tomorrow and bring some stand weights.
See Ya'll tomorrow Ray