Angle tree rod and gun club


New member
We are having our first double UL match of the season this coming Sunday May 4. Sign in at 9am start time 10 am sharp.
Hope to see all the gang. Please let me know if you are coming so I can get a head count for lunch. The weather man says
it will be in the mid eighty's , no humidity, mild breeze from the south west and plenty of sun shine.
Thanks. Ray H.
I'll be there .. still working getting Walt to come along.

Won't make it

Ray, it looks like me and the pup will still be tending to my dad this weekend. We are both very disappointed we can't be there.

Hope to see you soon and fly my new flags.
I'll be there, and looking forward to seeing everyone.

Dave Shattuck
Bob & Ray,

I don't know how this will fly, or not. Al and I will be involved in a Sporter Class Challenge (yes, we know it's an Unlimited match, but we'll be facing off with our Sporters all day anyway), so I was wondering if there's any way we could be planted at benches near to each other? You know, whomever arrives first will draw a bench, then the next of us to arrives will be seated at the closest available bench. That way neither of us (me in particular) will be able to cry foul due to a condition difference, and the winner will be the winner hands down fair and square. After all, you know we'll be facing off with a small gentlemen's wager between us (not even enough to cover the cost of lunches). :rolleyes:;):D

Whatever you can do will be appreciated.


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Dave, I'll be bringing mine as well. I want to do a little testing. I'm not courageous enough to shoot it all day though! Good luck to both of you.