AMP product

Andy Cross

New member
Just thought I would ask if anyone has used the Annealing Made Perfect machine made in New Zealand which apparently was show cased in a US shot show held in NV if my memory serves correct. It was mentioned in an Oz shooting magazine recently. However their web site indicates they are sold out and there doesn't seem to be a dealer in Oz either.
Just thought I would ask if anyone has used the Annealing Made Perfect machine made in New Zealand which apparently was show cased in a US shot show held in NV if my memory serves correct. It was mentioned in an Oz shooting magazine recently. However their web site indicates they are sold out and there doesn't seem to be a dealer in Oz either.

There has been a lot of discussion on the AMP annealer over on the accurate shooter site.

Probably out of stock because a lot of guys sold their Benchsource and purchased the AMP.
Been using one now

for several months. I really does work well. Easy to set and run. If your sizing die is a good match for your chamber the cases seem to last forever. I have shot right at 1000 rds on the same 20 pcs of brass and they shoot just as good now as when new.

Neck tension stays very consistent for about 5 firings. When I feel it going away a little, just run them through again. They say anneal every time but I don't see that's its necessary.

is there a USA distributor, or import only ??

There is a US distributor. Try this link
I have had one since June. Alex in NZ is great to deal with. The machine does exactly what AMP states on its web site.
It is small in size and easy to set up. You can anneal one case or hundreds at a time. No flames or gas to worry about. Takes me about 9 minutes from turn on to finish to anneal 50 cases. Sits on my loading bench in my office/loading room ready to go at a moments notice. I love it!
I can see where this might come in handy for our 30BR cases, which never seem to wear out. I do detect neck tension differences when I load. I have hundreds of them that in all other aspects seem just fine.

$1000 might not be too bad if it does indeed do what they say.
As a side note

I shoot a .270 nk chamber which the brass is around .012 plus a little. I was playing with some old brass that I had when I shot a .262 nk. It was around .0085. I looked at the AMP annealing program number and set it at the proper number and it looked good. I decided to test a case at the .012 setting and see what it would do to the .0085 brass. Wow!! The settings are very important! The case was frosted on the neck and super soft.
The only reason I bring this up is that you really need to send your brass in and have them test it for the proper program setting. "Guessing" the program number for unknown brass would be iffy at best.

I have annealed other brass besides the ppc and have been very pleased with the results. Not just the "looks" but on the target where it counts.

They are getting more data all the time and alot of what is being used as far as brand and neck thickness is listed under the settings menu.

I went to the AMP web site and ran across something that has me curious. They talk about focusing magnetic fields. I had a pacemaker implanted a month or so ago and the cardiologist cautioned me on using my inverter Tig welder due to the magnetic fields. I also returned some wireless bluetooth earbuds that had a caution about using them near a pacemaker. I didn't see anything on the AMP web site that addressed this. If the magnetic fields generated by this device are strong enough to soften brass, how far does the field radiate and at what intensity? Hopefully, it's a don't care, but my pacemaker is too new to me for me to be cavalier about magnetic field generating devices. Anybody knowledgeable about this?
use the site and email then with your question.
worked for me
use the site and email then with your question.
worked for me

Yeah, I did. The site just said that they meet international standards for EMC but did not specifically address pacemakers. The only reason I mention this is because the earbuds I returned cautioned not to let them get closer than 10cm of the pacemaker. That's a little less than 4 inches. My pacemaker is implanted in the upper portion of my left shoulder and is about 6 inches from my left ear. So, if they have this kind of a caution for Bluetooth, I'd rather err on the side of caution. I'm waiting for a response from AMP. I'm thinking it's going to be a don't care, but just want to be sure. Now, it's so nice not to feel my heart flubbing around and I want to keep it that way.
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sorta like you love the machine, but please do not hug it!

Yeah, I did. The site just said that they meet international standards for EMC but did not specifically address pacemakers. The only reason I mention this is because the earbuds I returned cautioned not to let them get closer than 10cm of the pacemaker. That's a little less than 4 inches. My pacemaker is implanted in the upper portion of my left shoulder and is about 6 inches from my left ear. So, if they have this kind of a caution for Bluetooth, I'd rather err on the side of caution. I'm waiting for a response from AMP. I'm thinking it's going to be a don't care, but just want to be sure. Now, it's so nice not to feel my heart flubbing around and I want to keep it that way.
sorta like you love the machine, but please do not hug it!

You got it. I have my 3 month check coming up on the 20th so I'll try to get more definitive recommendations from the cardiologist. I would like to be able to use my Tig welder and get one of the AMP devices. Did get a response back from AMP, and Alex Findlay,the President wrote, "The Annealer is classed as domestic equipment rather than industrial. I suspect there is much less danger to a pacemaker than using a microwave oven". At home, in the kitchen, I sit less than 2 feet from a 1000 W microwave oven and I'm still upright, so I guess I'll be alright. :D

Sorry guys... did not see the post about the pacemaker. My annealer would not be good around a pacemaker. Very strong low frequency RF energy, it may effect a pacemaker.