Ammo: Eley Tenex Ultimate EPS


New member
Hi, I found 3 different versions of the Eley Tenex Ultimate EPS in my Town:

- Black plastic box and black inside grid.

- Black plastic box and red inside grid.

- Transparent plastic box and red inside grid.

'Oldest' I think is the difference but It is the same price: 16€/box. I would like to know if someone have tested and compared the accuracy of these models...

Thanks for your answer and sorry for my english...
Look at the lot number on the boxes. It will be in the form of xxxx-xxxxx. The 3rd and 4th number will tell you the year of manufacture. Numbers 5 and 6 are the machine it was made on and the last three are the lot number. Me, I'd stay clear of anything more than 2 or 3 years old unless I knew how it was stored. bob

Thanks for your answer, pleased!. I got a box of the black plastic box and black grid and a box of black plastic box and red grid but the red grid box has a different code:


LEFT BOX: red inside grid
RIGHT BOX: black inside grid

If the code has letters, what is indicate?, We can see the Speed code and (maybe) the Loaded Product code and the Year of the Manufacture code, but the letters............. I don't know!!. What do you think????.

Thanks for your help & support.
Digi. :)
The left hand box is definitely an older style and the lot information format is older also. I do not know the older codes.


Thanks for your answer, pleased!. I got a box of the black plastic box and black grid and a box of black plastic box and red grid but the red grid box has a different code:


LEFT BOX: red inside grid
RIGHT BOX: black inside grid

If the code has letters, what is indicate?, We can see the Speed code and (maybe) the Loaded Product code and the Year of the Manufacture code, but the letters............. I don't know!!. What do you think????.

Thanks for your help & support.
Digi. :)

U=Ultimate EPS
V=Ultimate EPS F

(H-2003, J-2004)

3=Machine #3
(There are 4 machines)

Fourth, Fifth &
Sixth Position
Lot Number
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2004 and 2005 ammo, Wow and I thought Eley ammo took the slow boat to the U.S. they must ship it to the Canary Islands by canoe.
Yeah man !!!!, As you can see, the Gunsmith only offers new cheaper ammo, good ones gets it one time per decade!!!.

Canoe?, maybe but without paddle..... Jajajajajajajajajja:cool:

Cheers! :p