Ammo availability


New member
I was wondering what does it take to get a fair chance at some of the best ammo. When distributors and gunsmiths are passing on information to team shooters or friends, the best is gone before the average person ever sees a ammo list. Is it based upon past achievements? The insiders seem to have the information first. I guess that is one of the things that makes it so hard for a beginner or average guy to become really competitive at more than a local level. It is also one of the things that drives people out of this sport instead of growing it.
I was wondering what does it take to get a fair chance at some of the best ammo. When distributors and gunsmiths are passing on information to team shooters or friends, the best is gone before the average person ever sees a ammo list. Is it based upon past achievements? The insiders seem to have the information first. I guess that is one of the things that makes it so hard for a beginner or average guy to become really competitive at more than a local level. It is also one of the things that drives people out of this sport instead of growing it.

You're assumtions are less than accurate. The average person sees lists and, unfortunately lots of guys now buy blind lots. Stop reading internet BS and do some homework for yourself.
Beginners need to pay attention to when ammo is inbound and have a couple suppliers.
You can get on a list with Killough that gets you the test lots as soon as they come in. Not exactly sure how it works, but it's available to everyone. Getting good ammo is still difficult unless you have deep pockets and the time to test it before it gets sold out. It's just part of the game.

Most of the local guys are quitting rimfire and going to centerfire because of the cost of ammo and testing and still not getting good ammo. I'll be shooting our club rimfire matches by myself pretty soon the way things are going. I understand their frustration of spending a lot of $ for some not so good rimfire ammo. I have some $15 a box Eley that doesn't shoot much better then the cheap bulk boxes. You either live with it or move on.
I did get on the pre order list from Killoughs. Didn't make much difference. It was already gone before I could get it ordered. Mr. Tim I have done more than my share of investigation. I have talked with national competitors who have won Ara, Psl, and Ir 50/50 events including the unlimited nationals. Your unnecessary presumptions that I would not do my due diligence and would base my decisions upon Internet gossip are unfounded. Perhaps you need to do some investigating of your own instead of jumping to conclusions. Whether you or anyone else believes it I have personally talked to people who have been there and done that. My question is have you? Anyway it is what it is. Not likely to change in near future. I will be on some upcoming ammo list and will be sending my rifle to Lapua to test after the current season is over. Next time before expounding on something you might want to make sure that you have done your homework. Or then again maybe you don't so that you can keep jumping to conclusions. Good day sir.
Testing Tunnel

I send my gun to the Test Facility with a box of my standard, and let them do all the work. Lapua gives you a better choice of grades.
I did get on the pre order list from Killoughs. Didn't make much difference. It was already gone before I could get it ordered. Mr. Tim I have done more than my share of investigation. I have talked with national competitors who have won Ara, Psl, and Ir 50/50 events including the unlimited nationals. Your unnecessary presumptions that I would not do my due diligence and would base my decisions upon Internet gossip are unfounded. Perhaps you need to do some investigating of your own instead of jumping to conclusions. Whether you or anyone else believes it I have personally talked to people who have been there and done that. My question is have you? Anyway it is what it is. Not likely to change in near future. I will be on some upcoming ammo list and will be sending my rifle to Lapua to test after the current season is over. Next time before expounding on something you might want to make sure that you have done your homework. Or then again maybe you don't so that you can keep jumping to conclusions. Good day sir.

Your post is wrong pure and simple. Call KSS, ther is/was no insider conspiracy, most of it was simply bought blind.
If it was that big a deal and you indicated a desire for "best" grade ammo, you could have sent a gun to test last week, last month, today, next month, and found ammo. Like I said......homework.
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Mr. Tim I am not going to engage in a pissing contest with you. I am also not going to name shooters and gunsmiths I have talked to. In my short time in rimfire benchrest I have already seen how easily it is to be ostracized if you disagree with the crowd. I would love to have sent my rifle off to be tested but I did not receive it from Richard Gorham until 3 day's before 1st match of the season. Once the season is over I plan on sending it to be tested. Thanks for your advice.
Mr. Tim I am not going to engage in a pissing contest with you. I am also not going to name shooters and gunsmiths I have talked to. In my short time in rimfire benchrest I have already seen how easily it is to be ostracized if you disagree with the crowd. I would love to have sent my rifle off to be tested but I did not receive it from Richard Gorham until 3 day's before 1st match of the season. Once the season is over I plan on sending it to be tested. Thanks for your advice.

Good to hear. So in other words, it's not really an ammo problem, it's a timing problem. Glad we got that cleared up. Good shooting and my best to you, Robin, and the other superheros.
Don't pay any attention to "Timmah" he know's everything about anything there is to know and competition shooting. You and others are in the same boat, you either hear about ammo that is supposed to shoot well from someone else or just buy a lot of test lots to figure out what your gun prefers and hope it is still available.

It does get to be expensive to compete in the upper tier as there are only so many lots available right now,good luck on your search,if I hear anything I'll pass the info on to you:) and vice-versa
Thanks Tommy, unfortunately I am more than aware of Tims reputation for being a know it all. Maybe someday when some of the people I talked to get out of the sport they can tell the truth without fear of reprisal. Even then with first hand testimony people like Tim will still refuse to believe. Send you a text about some I found.
Guy posts question.....gets answer he does'nt like.... Veiled reference to many he's talked to ( which begs the question of why he asked to begin with) then makes foolish statement about reprisals. I gotta find out more about these traveling rimfire reprisal squads.
Guy posts question.....gets answer he does'nt like.... Veiled reference to many he's talked to ( which begs the question of why he asked to begin with) then makes foolish statement about reprisals. I gotta find out more about these traveling rimfire reprisal squads.

To the OP and Tim,
While I only visit this forum on an infrequent basis, I am quite well informed about 'Tim's' posts and the difficulty of finding a good lot of ammo for a given rifle. Tim is Tim.....self absorbed and not very friendly to newcomers, or others for that matter. A real minus as far as this forum goes IMO.....and I belong to several. Tim should just find a hole to live in with no computer to post with. Tim does NOTHING to promote the sport by being helpful. Only negative posts to new shooters. He knows 'IT ALL'. Bull crap.

I have had three different rifles tested at the two big players facilities. Two at Lapua and one at Eley. That is not a certain road to success. I feel you have to 'play the game'. Buy test lots and shoot them as soon as you can and hope there is a decent amount of said lot to buy when you find what your rifle likes. RFBR is somewhat of a money and time game. You need to play hard and fast to hit the right combination. It is just the same as any other top tier hobby or sport. Find what works before the other guy does, have the equipment and skill to carry through and you will place high. If you can't do that, then you get what you get.

BTW, I am quite new to this and feel your pain. I have a two year plan on my new KSS build. It is a top flight build. It would place high in ANY match with the right ammo and shooter. That being said, you have to put the pieces together first before that becomes relevant. Test ammo that you feel you can buy after a good lot is found. Do not waste time in between getting the the test lots, shooting it, then buying it. What I mean about 'you feel you can buy' is this. If a distributor has 400 or 200 boxes of ammo you are testing, that may be a good pick. If they only have 50 boxes, how far will that get you if only 20 boxes are left when you order? How does that effect your investment in test ammo?

I will be posting here more often, as the forum I look at the most is becoming somewhat boring. I have seen the OP of this thread post on that other forum often. As I will be starting to shoot formal events this summer, I feel this is a good place to hang out, in spite of Tim. I have shot informal RFBR for about two years now and wish to grow and help the sport anyway I can. Posting positive responses to questions asked, within my knowledge set, will help promote the sport. Posting like Tim does, will of luck to the OP.......and me, for that matter!

BTW ........Tim, I am NOT afraid of any pissing match or consequences about disagreeing with you. I have only belonged to this forum for a few short months. You don't have a real big fan base here, nor are you very friendly to people who could help continue the sport as newcomers. People we need in our current political climate concerning the shooting sports. Just what does your self absorbed opinion of your self do to help the the shooting sports? Why can't you be nice and helpful to others that come here to enjoy their new hobby? To me, you are just a high horse sitting clown. You are the only non-positive I have found since joining this forum. Just saying.
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I also have only been at this about two years. It's amazing that instead of trying to be helpful to newcomers there are some that discourage others. While I do find the ammo chase chaotic I have no intention of giving up with or without anyone's help. I will keep testing and I suppose that the longer I go the better chance I have of finding some really good stuff.
I also have only been at this about two years. It's amazing that instead of trying to be helpful to newcomers there are some that discourage others. While I do find the ammo chase chaotic I have no intention of giving up with or without anyone's help. I will keep testing and I suppose that the longer I go the better chance I have of finding some really good stuff.

As mentioned before, I have seen your posts on another board. I also know that part of getting good at the game is not just being able to set up the bench correctly, reading conditions and being able to shoot your rifle. Ammo is a huge part of it. If you wish to share any info, please PM me. I will share back, without some clown interfering with our joint desire to improve our results, or trying to degrade our current positions in the sport.

Sad that we should have to go private. I thought boards such as this were for sharing information to better one's position in a sport or hobby. Not to put up with people like Tim.

Best regards,
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By going private you let the miscreants win and devalue the forum. Doing such makes no sense. Why post?

Please explain why posting with someone degrading your need for help does anything for your cause. I am not the only one on this forum that has spoken about 'Tim'. MANY have spoken about Tim and the crappy way he posts on this board. Tim is a non-positive poster that kinda takes the wind out of your sails when you are a new guy. To me, taking it private to not having to deal with one of, or the 'Tim' is worth it when a couple of new guys are trying to figure it out. I know it does not promote the way a forum should work. But when you have horses backsides like Tim, what option do you have?

Several months ago in open forum I asked 'Tim' if he was on a different board by a different user name. Upstate New York was my motive. There is another guy from the same region that posts in a similar style. Very high horse and not very helpful to anyone. True clown to the folks that are trying to learn the sport and grow it. He told me he only goes by 'Tim'. Perhaps this other guy is his brother, don't know.

My point being, I know a bunch of guys in the RFBR game. Most only by phone. Most, big hitters. NONE of them act like 'Tim'. Why should the OP of this thread, or myself, have to put up with someone like 'Tim', who posted NOTHING positive or helpful on this thread when we can talk privately and perhaps learn something from each other, without having to put up with a 'Tim'? Doing so MAKES GREAT SENSE! I see your point, but when you are just getting your feet on the ground, people like 'Tim' are of no use.......correction.......even if your feet are clearly on the ground........people like 'Tim' are of NO USE. Again, point being, private is better than 'Tim'. Hope you understand.

He has no 'spirit of the sport' that helps anyone, IMO, and I have lurked here far more than I have posted.

Best regards,
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.....Most of the local guys are quitting rimfire and going to centerfire because of the cost of ammo and testing and still not getting good ammo. ....

Heck, I stopped shooting center fire benchrest about a dozen years ago because benchrest reloading got to be such a laborious task! :eek:
I send my gun to the Test Facility with a box of my standard, and let them do all the work. Lapua gives you a better choice of grades.

I'd like to hear more about that.....cost, time, results, etc. Thanks.
I hate ta tell ya all but the good stuff ammo gets culled once before it ever leaves the factory...........then it gits culled again buy the faithful, consistent buyers that know which machines turn out the best boolitts .....learning the tricks of the ammo scramble is just part of the game, no conspiracy theory there, just the way the games is played ! make a few earnest calls to KSS and put up a little earnest money and your IN ... the more you can buy at a time the better you iz !
there are no hidden secrets in this game, only questions you have not thought of yet to git your cash together and make the call. You will be surprised just how eager KSS is to grow the sport and take you in !

as far as TIM goes, we need guys like him to keep us on our toes !