Amazing shooting @ St. Louis

JD Mock

New member
The first picture is of Don Geraci's 200 yard sporter group (0.129). He told me that this was the smallest group that he has ever shot in his 47 years at 200 yards. Small group of the match? NOPE. Small group of the day? NOPE! Not to be outdone, Tom Libby posted a 0.093. THis is one of several possible world records shot last week. James


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Only three of those ever shot in NBRSA Registered Competition. Pretty exclusive club.........jackie
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Only three of those ever shot in Registered Competition. Pretty exclusive club.........jackie
Do you mean 3 zero's in the nationals or 3 in registered competition as you wrote? We had several zeros at Unaka just in 2009 and that was shoots where some of these young hot guns were entrants. One of the zeros was Johnnie Stewart's 0.047" at 200 yards which is the new record (or soon will be). I think we are talking about 2 things here, zeros at 200 and zeros in registered competition.
In NBRSA Registered Competition

The late Skip Otto shot his 200 yard .099 a few years back to set the LV record. At that time, a 200 yard Zero had never been shot in Registered Competition. Johnny Stewart's .047 broke that. Tom's is the only other 200 yard Zero recorded in in NBRSA Registered Competition, since the current Sporter record was over .100.

There can't be one in HV because the record is over .100. I am sure if a Shooter shot a Zero at 200, it would have been submitted.

There is one IBS Record at 200 yards that is a "zero", held by David Farrar, I missed that one. I apologize for the oversite.

Are you telling me that there were more 200 yard Zeros shot at the Match when Johnny shot his? You would have thought someone would have mentioned those..........jackie
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Don didn't drag out one of his sleeved Remingtons to shoot that did he.??
How about Tom Libby, what is the state of the art for st louis ?
How about Tom Libby, what is the state of the art for st louis ?

Here is a photo of the rig I believe Libby shot his .093 with. It is a BAT 2 lug action glued into a BAT stock. It has a Kelbly trigger, March 40x and I believe he was shooting a Hart barrel - not 100% sure on the barrel.

Are you telling me that there were more 200 yard Zeros shot at the Match when Johnny shot his? You would have thought someone would have mentioned those..........jackie[/QUOTE]

I shot a .094 at 200 with a Benchrest Pistol match at Kelbly's when they had that, was it registered? I don't know. I also hold the LV ORSA, which is a Provincial Assoc. record 200yd of .095 so I know there was more shot. In NBRSA you will be right, I think

Shot a range measured .093@200HV at Minnetonka Benchrest NBRSA match in August 09. It was sent in for measurement by the Committee.

Well Heck!!!!!

There have been a few more than I thought, but STILL a very exclusive club. You could fit all in a four door pickup.........jackie