Allan Hall's mother...



...passed away peacefully last night. No word yet on arrangements. She lived in Arkansas. Knew his friends on this Forum would want to know. I'm sure Allan and his family will appreciate your thinking about them and remembering them in your prayers.
Someone Special

We will always remember those little things Momma has done to make our lives safe and special. It's sad when we loose someone like this, as they can never be replace, but most importantly, they will never be forgotten. Allan, you're in in our prayers.
I'm very sorry to hear of this news. Allan is a good friend that I always enjoy discussions with when we cross paths. My condolences to him and his family.
I will keep Allan and his family in my prayers. I have spent some quality time with Allan at the ARA Nationals the last couple of years. He is one fine gentleman.


Please tell Allan that we send our deepest condolences on the lost of his mother. If there is anything we can do, please tell him to call on us.. Allan and his family will be in our thoughts and prayers..

Dave & Pat Smith

Sorry to hear of your Mother's passing, we will keep her in our prayer's. Steve, Janie and Daniel
Our condolence and prayer's to Allen and his family.

Mike & Jan
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