alinwa the safety geek broke the rules tonite.....


The picture of your thumb looks much better than I had it pictured in my mind. :) Any injury that requires stitches is not to be taken lightly but you were lucky. Keep those gloves away from your lathe. :mad:

Glad to hear you're okay. I'll bet it's been hard typing lately; huh? :p


Gene Beggs

The picture of your thumb looks much better than I had it pictured in my mind. :) Any injury that requires stitches is not to be taken lightly but you were lucky. Keep those gloves away from your lathe. :mad:

Glad to hear you're okay. I'll bet it's been hard typing lately; huh? :p


Gene Beggs

Yup....Lucky is the right word, very lucky...... it was pulled open by the pressure exerted prior to the glove bursting but because it was just skin and fatty tissue they pulled it back together with just stitches. A little tougher glove, a seam in a different spot, being hooked just a quarter inch further in.......LUCKY!...... the thing I take away is, the lathe didn't feel a thing, didn't even grunt.

For me.....a FREEBIE!!! Just enough to get my attention,
I have to ask this and it's something I can relate to....You mentioned you worked on the barrel at night? Was it a scenario where you had a long day and wasn't "fresh" but decided to push on b/c you wanted to get to work on it and get it done? This is when I'm not as attentive and know better. When I wait until I have more time and perform detailed work in the AM, I'm much better off.

Good luck with your healing...
I have to ask this and it's something I can relate to....You mentioned you worked on the barrel at night? Was it a scenario where you had a long day and wasn't "fresh" but decided to push on b/c you wanted to get to work on it and get it done? This is when I'm not as attentive and know better. When I wait until I have more time and perform detailed work in the AM, I'm much better off.

Good luck with your healing...

This one was not that scenario..... That's a rule I haven't broken, yet. And I'll try not to because this is a big no-no for me. Fatigue and equipment, fatigue and a spinning shaft, scares me. In fact, a friend of mine used the lathe over Christmas break to make a gift for his gift exchange and he worked late, classic "after work" stuff. I would go down and check on him. Until midnite..... I couldn't let it go :)

But thanks for asking
