AL and Penny Hadfield Take 1st and 2nd Ray Hill takes 3rd at Massachusetts State.


Paul Bendix

Tough conditions with switchy 10-15 mph winds, with gusts to 20.
Al Hadfield shot the only 250 today on UL-1.
Top 3 scores. The rest will be posted on IR 50 web site.
Al Hadfield 250 18X 1st
Penny Hadfield 249 18X 2nd
Paul Bendix 248 16X 3rd
Penny Hadfield 249 14X fm 19 1st
Al Hadfield 249 14X fm 9 2nd
Fred Blanck 249 12X 3rd
Al Hadfield 249 14X 1st
Bob Hill 248 10X 2nd
Penny Hadfield 247 13X 3rd
Total Agg

Al Hadfield 748 46X 1st
Penny Hadfield 745 45X 2nd
Ray Hill 741 33X 3rd

Thanks for all the help in setup and take down.
Thanks for Penny and Pete in help with scoring.

Firing line picture


Range Picture


Warm up house Pete and Penny scoring others light lunch.


Maybe AL will post pictures of the group photo.

Thanks to Pete and Fred who came from Salem N.Y. and
Gary Hamilton who drove down from Maine.

When I picked the shoot date in November, this was the only Sunday date In June the club would give me. I had no Idea the Nationals was the same date.

Paul Bendix
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Thank You for a great shoot!!
Can't say enough about Al and Penny and the schooling they gave us, Congratulations to them!!
Congrats to both Al and Penny for the great showing, plus to Bob Hill for breaking their stride by grabbing that second place on card number 3, and a big Nice Shoot'n to Ray Hill.

Sorry I had to miss this one, but sometimes you just have to do what you have to do. I'll be there for the rest of the regular monthly matches though. I know: promises, promises.

Thanks Paul, great job!

It was good to meet Gary from Maine. It was great to see Bob Hill who is very new to our game take home some wood, good going Bob...and good shooting to Bob's dad Ray. Ray you will break out if that 247 rut soon. We are looking forward to seeing most of you at Easthampton next weekend.

With a little luck see below for group shot...

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Nice looking Facility!

I particully like the benches:) This is my favorite style of bench top. Good shooting everyone. Sorry I couldn't make this one. I shot a CF match in Damariscotta today.

Congratulations Al and Penny. You are truly great champions and fine folks to shoot with. I hope to shoot with you before long.
Congrats to Al and Penny, Bob and Ray -- Great time shooting with you folks. Paul, thanks for putting in the effort to make this happen. Nice to meet Gary -- hope we get to shoot with you again.

And let's not forget Fred "I don't need no Eley nor no tuner" Blanck's 249... nice shooting my friend.

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Hi all,

Thanks Pete, Dave, Mike & Pepper. Us Senior Citizens can rise to the occasion once in a while. ;)

Jim, It sure would be nice to see you, and shoot with you again, but my traveling ability is limited these days. Maybe one day the IR Nationals will get closer to New England. By-the-way, I see you have been shooting very well, Congratulations to you, keep up the good work!

Congrats Al and Penny

Nice shooting by all. Great pics, also. Good looking bunch of young"ins:D,

Al, you did real good, wish you all continued success, have fun this weekend.

Thanks again Paul for running another great match! Good shooting! Those were very nice awards, glad I could take one home. Thank you Al and Penny for showing us all how it's done in those crazy conditions. I'm sure you two must be running out of wall space for all those awards :) Al, thanks all for the tutoring you've shared with my Dad and I. We'll be keeping a close watch on those tails. Michael,always a pleasure shooting with you. We'll see you in Easthampton this coming Saturday.

Bob Hill
Hi Bob,

I see the above is your first post, Welcome to the board!

I appreciate your appreciation, thanks for the kind words.

We will look forward to seeing you and Dad this weekend at Easthampton.

Let's try to get together for another back yard shoot before too long. I moved the boat so we have one less obstacle to contend with.


I'm starting to get the hang of this posting. Yes , anytime on the back yard shoot. I thank you for the invite. We can never get enough instruction from one of the great shooters in the country. We'll see you and Penny at Easthampton this weekend....

Best, Bob
Thanks for a great weekend Paul, I think I got my computer working again, It was a hell of a match.