Air Rifle World Postal Championship 2010



Here at the 11th hour, if anyone is interested in participating.

Rules of the Air Rifle World Postal 2010
Distance 25 meters 3 Targets Unlimited Match at 20 ft/lb. Outdoor-Only Shooter and Benches may be covered Minimum of Ten Shooters for a Team Score to qualify Mandatory Bench Rotation Scheduled Matches to be held between March and November
Cannot Attach Rifle to Rest or Rest to Bench Rail &/or Machine guns are Not Permitted
Rifle specification:
HV-B Air Rifle Class -is any .177-.20-.22 caliber air rifle having a safe manually and mechanically operated firing mechanism, with no weight limit. Any air regulator can be used as long as it is integral within the air cylinder. Any modification may be made to the rifle and any magnification scope may be used. Factory stock or stocks that meet ‘Stock Clarification' rules may be used. Return to battery shall NOT be permitted. Muzzle brakes, muzzle flips, barrel weights or Harmonic Tuners are permitted. There is no restriction on cylinder size or capacity as long as 27.1 joules or 20-ft/lb. maximum power is retained and it is integral within the rifle. (Separate Air Cylinders are not allowed the cylinder must be part of the rifle). Testing of air rifles via use of a chronograph will need to be done by match directors to ensure maximum power restrictions above – records of tested rifles will need to be kept for checks/ clarification. The match director has authority not to allow any rifle over the specified power limits to ensure fairness through the competition.
A front rest shall only support the front portion of the rifle. The rear rest shall only support the rear portion of the rifle. Neither rest may be attached to the bench, the rifle or each other i.e.: Both parts shall be moveable independently of each other.
WRABF 25 meters target, UKBR 22 25 yards, Best edge Scoring to Include “X” Use a .22 plug for scoring. All Targets Scored for Total, X counts & “First Miss”
3 Teams – Each Country – 3 Shooters per Team plus an Alternate. Substitutions will be permitted under extraordinary circumstances Teams Must Pre Register One Month in advance. But not later than September 2010.
Countries 3 Teams do not have to shoot in the same Match. But the 3 team Members of the same team must shoot in the same Match. Individuals do not need to pre register. Individuals must shoot in a Scheduled Team match to qualify.(i.e. Nationals/Regionals)
A Shooter can only shoot on one team. A Team Shooters team score goes into the Individual Standings. If an Individual shoots in more than one registered match the First matches score is used in the Individual Standings.
Entry: All countries/associations must announce the shooting ranges and date of where the shoot will takes place. Teams must be registered 30 days before the competition. Individuals can enter on the day of the competition. It is preferred that Nationals, State, Provincials competitions be used for the world postal championship.
1. Top 3 teams qualify for medals. 2. Top 3 individuals qualify for medals.
Top 10 individuals qualify for certificates.
Teams and individuals will be ranked as per the competition specification. It is the country's/shooter's responsibility to provide his/her power out put of the air rifle on the score sheet.
Entry fee:
Free. It would be nice if participating countries/shooters help with organising sponsors, as there will be some cost involved. Donations can be sent to Nick Schoonwinkel PO box 472, Welkom. 9460 South Africa
Last Call

If anyone wants to shoot in this postal match, I need to register those individuals by September 30, 2010. There is no problem with registering and not shooting later. Actual shooting can take place anytime during the month of November, 2010.