Adjustable cutting depth carbide primer pocket tool

I've used adjustable and non-adjustable pocket uniforners. Came to prefer the non-adjustable. As long as the pocket is consistant, within limits, I don't think it makes a whole lot of difference. With the non-adjustable type, there is no temptation to "play" with something and lose the consistancy you are after in the first place. I sort of subscribe to the KISS principle. The less there is to lossen, move or otherwise slip at the wrong time, the better I like it, but then I'm a bit old school too.

Jim when some of the pockets just happen to be deeper than the uniformer then you cant uniform them
Mike, I had to try posting a photo without a host but I'll admit, I couldn't figure out how.

Two old Sinclair tools. Both adjustable. I seem to recall that I set the adjustments about 20 years ago and haven't touched them since, so that feature may not be as useful as I first thought.

Laver, still for sale.

thanks everybody for all your help.

Benchrite & PMA both offer the tool I'm looking for.
