I cut my thumb the other day, got hooked by a spiral off the lathe bit. DUMB, but the result of having a weirdly ground bit where I couldn't easily make a chip breaker.
Here's my question; HSS bits..... anyone played with chipbreakers NOT ground into the bit?
I've been clamping other bits like a tiny cutoff blade on edge on top of the cutter, running spring steel wire down to redirect or break the spirals, etc.
Anyone got a tried and true ADD ON chipbreaker for HSS cutting?
Here's my question; HSS bits..... anyone played with chipbreakers NOT ground into the bit?
I've been clamping other bits like a tiny cutoff blade on edge on top of the cutter, running spring steel wire down to redirect or break the spirals, etc.
Anyone got a tried and true ADD ON chipbreaker for HSS cutting?