Action Required Save the NBRSA

All the members of the NBRSA, in the six regions whose director perhaps didn't think this decision through completely need to request an immediate recall of their director and replace him with someone that will make a business decision to save the NBRSA.

This may be the last way to resolve this and save the NBRSA before we lose members and ranges.

This decision could possibly result in a huge financial disaster and has to be corrected quickly. Below I will outline what I was told could happen due to the fact that the NBRSA holds approximately 149 matches at this time and approximately 87 of them are being held out West.

Here's the scenario: Due to the decision regarding Rodney Brown, we could possibly lose a lot of ranges in the west and probably all of them except Phoenix at this point.

If that happens we will lose 1/3 of our revenue because the NBRSA makes no money off membership fees. The NBRSA can't even absorb a charge fee for credit card use and made a decision to charge the fee back to all members using credit cards.

All revenue comes from match fees. We are not even making enough revenue to buy good paper to use for targets. So, now with the possible added expense that we've incurred paying a higher salary for the secretary, we could be in dire straits within two years.

Anybody with any business sense should take a look at our expense report and if you take away 30% of all the match fees, you too will come to the conclusion that we can not afford to exist.

Once these range hosts or small clubs hold a match that is unregistered, they will able to put $150 more in their coffers for a weekend match with the same shooters. They will ask the shooters, if they care if it's registered or not...I guarantee you most will all respond, " WE JUST WANT TO SHOOT"! Especially if it can help their individual small clubs.

Once that happens it's not going to reverse.

The repercussions of this business decision made by the existing board members has more far reaching effects than just banning Rodney from the organization and the World Team. That dream for Rodney is gone but, for the rest of us, this is the time to save the NBRSA.

I am urging you to talk to all the members in your region and contact the President immediately. The Western states are filling out their schedule for 2018 now because we shoot all year.

I predict that this could go down as the poorest business decision any directors have ever made in NBRSA history.

I believe this is serious. Is it going change my Shooting, No. Everybody knows I shoot a lot of disciplines during the year. However, I love the NBRSA, I love the many good friends I have made in the 30+ years I have shot Benchrest. I have put a lot into it for that reason. I do not want to see this fail and there's a lot of people in this organization that feel the same way.

We need directors with a business sense and not personal feelings mixed in it.

Talk to the members in your region.

Thank you
Lou Murdica
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To: lou@murdica
Per the NBRSA website, a majority of the U.S. regions will vote this year for the regional director of those regions. If you want to see a change in how the NBRSA is run, this may be the best time in years to nominate new people for those positions. Nominations must be submitted by March 1st.
Mike Bryant will take his place.

I'm not good at predicting the future and am reminded of the saying about slips between the cup and the lip. Nevertheless, I've always been impressed with Mike's posts on this forum, and consider him a "good guy." I hope it works out well for him.

BTW, I'm also reminded of, what I think was put forth as, an old Chinese proverb. Do you know how to tell if a man is honest? You ask him, and if he says he is, you know he's not.
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I'm not good at predicting the future and am reminded of the saying about slips between the cup and the lip. Nevertheless, I've always been impressed with Mike's posts on this forum, and consider him a "good guy." I hope it works out well for him.

BTW, I'm also reminded of, what I think was put forth as, an old Chinese proverb. Do you know how to tell if a man is honest? You ask him, and if he says he is, you know he's not.

With all due respect to the Chinese, I prefer to base my opinions of people on their actions.
Yesterday, I saw on the NBRSA website (for the first time) a link to the "2017 NBRSA Financial Statement" -- (I don't know when the link was posted, but I look at that website frequently.) The link takes you to the financial statements for the first eight months of 2017. (I wonder why more current statements are not posted) Those statements, in conjunction with the 2016 financial statements, raise some interesting questions -- I recommend them for your reading enjoyment. I wonder what the full-year statements will show.

I've asked the Business Manager some questions related to the above; however, I haven't receive a reply.

As stated in post # 2 above, if you want to see a change this is the best time to try to effect a change. The deadline for nominations is March 1st.
I happened to see this and thought I’d respond to it just to clarify the GC Region director. Scott Hunter resigned as GC director effective January 31st. I have been the alternate director for a number of years. That just means that I’m stepping in to do anything that needs to be done as the role of alternate director in absence of a director until such time that a new director is elected. Scott has nominated me to run as director. If anyone in the region would like to run for the job of director, they are more than welcome to run. The job of director IMO is something that needs to be done mainly so that we have a schedule of matches in the region to shoot each year. I have no agenda in seeking the directors job if that is what I am doing. I see it as a service job and giving back to the NBRSA for all the years I’ve been enjoying the benefits of competing in the region.
Thanks Mike, we couldn't have been left in better hands. Scott Hunter was a great leader for us and you will continue this. I've known both you and Scott for over 25years and can attest to your honesty and the best interest in our sport.
The job of director IMO is something that needs to be done mainly so that we have a schedule of matches in the region to shoot each year. I have no agenda in seeking the directors job if that is what I am doing.

Mike, I think a LARGE part of the job is going to entail dealing with matters that prompted post 1 above, and with matters reflected in the financial statements.
Per the NBRSA website, a majority of the U.S. regions will vote this year for the regional director of those regions. If you want to see a change in how the NBRSA is run, this may be the best time in years to nominate new people for those positions. Nominations must be submitted by March 1st.

Nomination deadline has passed. I wonder how many regions will have a ballot that reflects a choice between the old and the new?