Doc, if checking them in a checker that simulates the round being between centers, such as the little Bruno that many shooters have, .001 to .0015 at the neck bullet junction is what I consider acceptable.
This is like a lot of things. I have tested rounds with my Rail, some that ran dead true, others that had as much as .004. I would be lying if I said there was a remarkable difference.
Since having dead staright rounds can't hurt, I do strive to make sure my set-up does produce straight ammunition. For what it is worth, I have found that most of the runnout is induced in the sizing proccess, not the seater. If a case is not dead straight out of the sizer, the seater will not straighten it up.
Most shooters look at that pile of crap that I make my rounds with, and are amazed when I show them how straight the rounds come out. There is a method to the madness............jackie