Acceptable runout on loaded rounds

Tim Oltersdorf

Active member
Had a question. What do you consider acceptable runout on a loaded 6PPC round both for the case and for the whole loaded round measured on the bullet? I should look this up on old threads but I have been so busy hawking my screen play "Bin Laden's porno tapes" around Hollywood that I don't have time. Tim
Tim, you will of course has to audition "belly dancers". They'll be used for background , while the credits are running at the beginning and end of the Movie. Gonna take some time, but "it" has gotta be done.
Doc, if checking them in a checker that simulates the round being between centers, such as the little Bruno that many shooters have, .001 to .0015 at the neck bullet junction is what I consider acceptable.

This is like a lot of things. I have tested rounds with my Rail, some that ran dead true, others that had as much as .004. I would be lying if I said there was a remarkable difference.

Since having dead staright rounds can't hurt, I do strive to make sure my set-up does produce straight ammunition. For what it is worth, I have found that most of the runnout is induced in the sizing proccess, not the seater. If a case is not dead straight out of the sizer, the seater will not straighten it up.

Most shooters look at that pile of crap that I make my rounds with, and are amazed when I show them how straight the rounds come out. There is a method to the madness............jackie
Roaring out of Nashville revving up his mill, he shot the gap at Cumberland and...

Jackie, Thanks for your answer. It helps a lot. I do have a point to make about your statement "There is a method to my madness." It is this: Jackie, we have drugs for that. Now before all of you gentle readers scold me for questioning Jackie's "madness" let me remind you that this is a man who was once electronically timed at a drag strip going through the finish at 98mph with no vehicle attached to his body. He obviously landed on his head because he took up benchrest. Tim

I consider any runout to be unacceptable. Heck, I could only imagine going to the line with 15 rnds, sit down, get ready to shoot and realize that 11 of them have just runout on me. The wife at the shamrock had the primers runout on her...try and measure that one.
