Abra new sanction


ANOTHER Abra new sanction

ABRA wants to welcome SAN ANGELOS RIMEFIRE SHOOTERS to ABRA they are in TEXAS and they have 14 benches looks like we will have a state shoot the first year between two gun clubs so far , what fun, the match director is Ron Herring his info is on the web site www.autobenchrestassocition.com check out his match schedule ,and remember please bring a young person they are our future at ABRA we automatically shoot Xs

Thank You JOE
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We are looking forward to this Simi-automatic league. Those of us who shoot ARA are thinking that we can get a lot of interest with others who are not ready to take the big step to unlimited. It could be a good start for youngsters. This thing could be a lot of fun for us old timers as well.

I like that it is limited to Simi automatic rifles. If you allowed factory bolt actions you would be opening the door for some very accurate rifles. Joe has done some serious thinking. There will be some corrections to the rules after the season but what they have lined out is a very good start.

See if you can get your group to try this.

What are the ABRA TX equipment rules? Is a Kidd Custom allowed? Tuners?


You got an old 10/22 you're thinking of dragging out of the closet? LOL
I'm not sure if this will be fun or frustrating but I might give it a try on some practice targets....after I get the trigger under 10 lbs or swap it out for Kidd.
Maybe a postal match between you and I for bragging rights? LOL

If this works, here's a link to the rules:

kidd and tuners

Anything goes in the unlimited class come on you will love it .and it will not break the bank , by the way I got a tuner on my KIDD. built just for the .920 barrels a few more tests on it and it will be in production ,with this new sanction I believe there will be all kinds of new innovation for these semi auto bench gun cant wait !!


At ABRA we automatically shoot Xs