A post on behalf of Henry Childs.....

Rich De

Henry Childs, whom I have been friends with since I met him at the Nationals back about 2001 or 2 asked me if I would post this message for him. For whatever reason, he was unable to do so.....................
Rich De
By the way, congratulations to Danny Brooks and the others who did well at the Nationals. Wish I could have been there!
Rich De

Start Post:

In the past I have made many posts on BR Central and have tried to distinguish between opinion and facts given in those posts. Many of the facts were learned from information from the American Rifleman, from 1958 on, studying reloading, exterior ballistics and gun related books, shooting rifles, obtaining a degree in mechanical engineering in 1969 from the University of Texas and later working as a professional mechanical engineer. The facts were often given to answer questions on BRC and were intended to be helpful.

About two years ago I quit posting on BRC because it became apparent to me that in my efforts to support the factual information, somewhat heated arguments would arise and my persistence was apparently seen as opposition to BR shooters. In short, I made some friends and some enemies. One enemy is one too many.

At the 2008, 1000 yard IBS Nationals one or more of my enemies made their anger very apparent and my results in those matches, as well as physical damage, show the effectiveness of their revenge.

I think I actually saw one, or possibly the only, individual involved but have no desire to pursue the matter. I intend make the necessary repairs and continue the sport I love.

My regret is that in past discussions, I wish I could have controlled my abrasive nature better and somehow convinced my opponents to study the principles discussed. At the August 600 yard matches at Goodwill, LA this year, one short range BR shooter and myself discussed one of the topics referred to above. It was clear that he had studied the subject vey well, the subject I learned in thermodynamics classes. Whether he studied the subject before or after the BRC discussions occurred, I don't know but we both agreed that the effects of the quantity, discussed previously in BRC posts, on shooting is insignificant.

Henry Childs
Reply To Henry!

Thanks Rich for for posting this .. Henry , As you know we have disagreed before over some methods and ideas discused , but still i believe have become good friends over the years .. I know your input has helped me and a lot of others to get better at what we do and it's a pity about some of human kind, but as they say it's hard to soar like an Eagle when your surrounded by Bloody Turkey's ..Hope to catch up soon ..JR.. Jeff Rogers
Henry Childs, whom I have been friends with since I met him at the Nationals back about 2001 or 2 asked me if I would post this message for him. For whatever reason, he was unable to do so.....................
Rich De
By the way, congratulations to Danny Brooks and the others who did well at the Nationals. Wish I could have been there!
Rich De

Start Post:

In the past I have made many posts on BR Central and have tried to distinguish between opinion and facts given in those posts. Many of the facts were learned from information from the American Rifleman, from 1958 on, studying reloading, exterior ballistics and gun related books, shooting rifles, obtaining a degree in mechanical engineering in 1969 from the University of Texas and later working as a professional mechanical engineer. The facts were often given to answer questions on BRC and were intended to be helpful.

About two years ago I quit posting on BRC because it became apparent to me that in my efforts to support the factual information, somewhat heated arguments would arise and my persistence was apparently seen as opposition to BR shooters. In short, I made some friends and some enemies. One enemy is one too many.

At the 2008, 1000 yard IBS Nationals one or more of my enemies made their anger very apparent and my results in those matches, as well as physical damage, show the effectiveness of their revenge.

I think I actually saw one, or possibly the only, individual involved but have no desire to pursue the matter. I intend make the necessary repairs and continue the sport I love.

My regret is that in past discussions, I wish I could have controlled my abrasive nature better and somehow convinced my opponents to study the principles discussed. At the August 600 yard matches at Goodwill, LA this year, one short range BR shooter and myself discussed one of the topics referred to above. It was clear that he had studied the subject vey well, the subject I learned in thermodynamics classes. Whether he studied the subject before or after the BRC discussions occurred, I don't know but we both agreed that the effects of the quantity, discussed previously in BRC posts, on shooting is insignificant.

Henry Childs
Henry Childs

I have been threatened recently myself by somebody you know over the tuner posts.He says he is going to get me at the nationals in Byers this year because I don't want to share tuner data with him and because he is having trouble grasping wave theory.
If you can e-mail me we can discuss this sorry excuse of a shooter in greater detail.I am certain he is the guy who caused you grief.
As you already kow my father and myself think the world of your posts and your opinion even if it opposes ours.
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Henry Childs

I guess it wasn't the same guy.He just e-mailed me and told me to delete my post OR ELSE
Henry Childs,

My regret is that in past discussions, I wish I could have controlled my abrasive nature better and somehow convinced my opponents to study the principles discussed.

Henry Childs

I, for one, have never seen an abrasive side to Henry in his postings.

I miss Henrys valuable and insightfull contributions, I hope this isnt the same reason that we hear/see very few of Varmint Al's postings lately..............................Don
Henry Childs

I know Henry, have shot with him and respect him very much. After ten years as an LEO I can tell you that anyone that makes threats better be able to carry them out. In this day and time some persons are much less tolerate than others. Unfortunately, while someone is sitting behind their keyboard they're a bad a$$, in person, it’s always another story. If another shooter damaged property because of a disagreement or made threats of physical harm I'd string him up and make an example out of him. The one thing that always made me boiling mad is when honest, hard working, good people were victimsed like this. I was called a lier and a cheat last month at our local club matches in an anomymous letter to the board. I let it be known we could settle this behind the barn but, no takers. The BR crowd is a small knit group of good people. I haven’t meet anyone yet like the one described but, if I do :eek::eek::eek::)

Sorry Henry for your negative experience, your a good man don’t let the losers run you off.
Only a clash in personalities and threats.................in one way, I am kind of relieved that this was not another "left the range" message, that we seem to be getting so much of lately.

I dont know if it is that we are reaching the peak of the "baby boomer" actuary bell curve, or some other sign of the times..................Don
Wilbur Harris

I sent you 4 e-mails from this person including the latest one from this morning with a deadline.
Henry, many/most of us have benefited by your knowledge and input.

Maybe, some day things will change and you can come back to this forum.

Thanks for what you have contributed.
Henry Childs

Henry is not one to argue based on pure conjecture (like me), but he devises a method of testing his hypothesis. He lets the results of these tests (facts) do his arguing. I love to discuss shooting with Henry, but I have yet to win an argument.

I hate that there are folks in the shooting sports that threaten others who disagree with them.

Henry is going to be away from home attending matches for a few weeks, but I hope to interview him for PS Magazine in the near future. He has a lot to add to our sport.

James Mock

It was good to see you again. I wish we had more time to talk, Saturday was a long day of shooting.

Remember you have a lot of friends. Those that agree with you, those that disagree with you and those that learn from you. I wish you would have brought this problem to the attention of the match officials. Some people need to be asked to leave. There's no room for them in this sport.

Your friends would have watched your back.

Henry is not one to argue based on pure conjecture (like me), but he devises a method of testing his hypothesis. He lets the results of these tests (facts) do his arguing. . . . James Mock
Well, by in large. We all have out blindsides, and supposedly, one of the reason Henry quit posting on BR Central was Jackie Schmidt's and my chiding him that regardless of the current state of engineering theory, VV N133 did show grouping (agging) changes when there was a significant change in humidity. Henry said this wasn't so; wasn't possible, wasn't in the books or the test results from powder manufacturers. My (& Jackie's) counter was that here was a phenomena that was rather well documented, by more than one capable person, and if the science ran counter, the phenomena still had to be explained. Henry didn't accept this, and also felt he had better things to do than rehash an argument at a standstill. I agree only with the "also."

Having said that, I count Henry as a friend, and if his back needs watching, I'll be happy to do so.

Charles Ellertson

I always look forward to seeing you at the Nationals, as you have become an icon to the event. Your insight to the mechanics of what we do in this game are valued by myself and others, though a lot goes way over my head.

At the next event, just park your equipment with the group that I am with, as I know that it will be protected in your absence.

To the person(s) who did whatever was done, if we find out who you are, I am sure that we can find a way to ban you from further IBS competitions.


I always miss these things. Geez Henry, all you a had to do is bring it to my attention and I personally, after verifying it, would have packed his S!#^ for him. I would love to do that to alot of trouble makers and KEYBOARD warriors who were here this weekend but did they did not mention a word. Hmmm...just as I figured. We know who the Ya-hoos are lets give them the boot...the sooner the better for the sport. If ever this happens again here I need to know about it ASAP. I will not tolerate trouble makers or allow any wrong doing here. Safety is always the #1 concern then the fairness to the shooters here. This is rediculous and should never have happened. I am sorry if this ruined your good time here this past weekend, hopefully we can make it up to you by putting boot in this guys ass! Next time set-up by me and we'll talk MILE stuff!

Tom Sarver

I consider Henry Childs a friend, although since going to long range prone, I have not seen him in some time. I have noticed that he very rarely posts on this form anymore. I for one, really miss his analysis and I have always learned for it -- I listen and watch everything icons like Henry say, post, or shoot.

Discussions on this board can get pretty heated even between friends, especially when several have a lot of differing knowledg on a certain topic. In that regard, I have never seen Henry do anything but stand with his reasoned analysis -- like others. I can't imagine anyone actually causing him problems at a match -- especially the Nationals.

I hope the person who has offended Henry cowboys up with an apology to Henry. That person owes it to Henry and, turth be known, to himself as he will feel better afterwards.

Henry my friend, we need you back on this board. Danny Brooks, David Tooley, and Tom Sarver and their buddies make it rather easy to cover your back. In fact, you would have to hold Tom back :mad:

Take care,
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When I started LR BR, Henry's posts helped my learning curve tremendously. I believe that I wouldn't be the competitor that I am now without that knowledge. I have met and talked with Henry in the pits and on the line and found him to be a very gracious gentleman. And
I am anxiously looking forward to more talks and shooting with the man.
If someone disagrees with Henry's information. He can prove it on the line with some record targets. I'll take Henry's word as a gentleman.

Henry, you have been missed on this forum for a long time now by a lot of members, myself included. Jeff Rogers and i have over the years discussed a lot of your posts and have both used information you have emailed to Jeff to both our benefits. As a matter of fact, most all we know and do now has been as a direct result of your imput. We are still on the research phase with our 200 grain 30 cal flat base bullet, and your imput has been most welcome in this regard. I hope you and Jeff continue to email each other as we have a ways to go and a lot to learn yet.
Keep well Henry.

Tony Z.