A good day @ Capitol City

Pete Wass

Well-known member
We had 9 shooters this morning and 8 this P.M. I think three 250's were shot but the "New Cover" over the firing line seems to have created a true test for shooters. Thanks to everyone for all the help and support.


Pete, it was a beautiful day weather wise. Congrats to anyone that shot well but I think there were damn few.
I'm not sure if its the new roof that's changed thing there but suspect that all the changes around the range has changed the little bowl. Its been quite a while since I've shot that poorly over 6 targets & I still had fun. Didn't learn a thing as to which was the dominant flag except after my misses. I'd shoot the exact same condition with my "new" holdoff & it would go exactly where I held off. I was baffled!
Anyhow, thanks again for all you do!
