A good .22 round

Thank you for your opinion. However, define "sporting". If it wasnt sporting then the DNR wouldn't allow it.
The main reason for this forum was to just find another good .22 round. You guys turned it into a yard bird discussion!!
In Oklahoma, Texas, and Kansas, quail usually hang out in coveys. Seldom do you see a single quail by itself. So, if you shoot one quail in the head with a bullet, the rest will fly off. If you flush a covey while using a shotgun, you have multiple shots presented and multiple kills possible. You could hunt all day with a .22 and would be lucky to get enough quail for a dinner. You can hunt 1/2 of a day with a shotgun and have a possible limit of quail. Using a bullet to shoot quail or pheasant is dumb. Low kill count and dangerous to targets down range.

Well just to get on the OTHER side, did you know in Arkansas it was legal to shoot Herons if they are raiding a fish farm? And, you are allowed to use an automatic, even suppressed automatic, as in 10-22 converted to select-fire??? Now, how much more "Silent Warrior" is THAT??? (Hey, SW, how's that for a hi-jack track back in your own back-yard??)
Ignorant answer...

In Oklahoma, Texas, and Kansas, quail usually hang out in coveys. Seldom do you see a single quail by itself. So, if you shoot one quail in the head with a bullet, the rest will fly off. If you flush a covey while using a shotgun, you have multiple shots presented and multiple kills possible. You could hunt all day with a .22 and would be lucky to get enough quail for a dinner. You can hunt 1/2 of a day with a shotgun and have a possible limit of quail. Using a bullet to shoot quail or pheasant is dumb. Low kill count and dangerous to targets down range.

...guess I better not shoot any coyotes w/ my swift due to the down range danger factor??

You obviously never shot in south TX. I'm 50% blues / scaled & 50% Bobs. What good is multiple shots if you cannot retrieve the birds...EVEN w/ dogs??

I've been doing it for years and have not experienced anything of what you stated as factual....including your single kill theory.

Like the old saying goes...everyone has an opinion.

sigh...maybe I'll just skillet shoot them and get the whole covey just to be safe.

Sorry again sw...

The main reason for this forum was to just find another good .22 round. You guys turned it into a yard bird discussion!!

..shoot what your gun likes. I told you what mine likes.

Enjoy your hunting as you see fit & lawful.

Around these middle parts of the U.S., we shoot pheasant and quail with shotguns. We shoot deer and hogs with black powder and centerfire rifles and pistols. We shoot small pest birds with airguns. We shoot crows with shotguns.
Anyone knows a flying bullet is much more dangerous (past 50 yards) than a shotgun as far as downrange possible targets. Doesn't take a genius to figure that out.

If you live and hunt in a different part of the country than the midwest, then hunting utensils and targets may be different.

Why in the world you would shoot one quail in head and let the rest fly is dumb and unnecessary. I'd rather go to the house with a full bag limit by noon, than shoot 3 quail all day long.
It's just different down here mad...

Around these middle parts of the U.S., we shoot pheasant and quail with shotguns. We shoot deer and hogs with black powder and centerfire rifles and pistols. We shoot small pest birds with airguns. We shoot crows with shotguns.
Anyone knows a flying bullet is much more dangerous (past 50 yards) than a shotgun as far as downrange possible targets. Doesn't take a genius to figure that out.

If you live and hunt in a different part of the country than the midwest, then hunting utensils and targets may be different.

Why in the world you would shoot one quail in head and let the rest fly is dumb and unnecessary. I'd rather go to the house with a full bag limit by noon, than shoot 3 quail all day long.

...I shoot deer with everything from a bow, pistols, swift & a 7mm Lazzeroni. We are on a 7,000 acre ranch w/ the thickest brush you have ever seen and they all want to scratch and prick you. I try to keep my dogs out of it because dealing w/ cut pads and pulling cacti out of them the rest of the day is no fun for any of us....plus I worry about them getting hit by rattlers.

We have path or senderos cut through the brush....if the quail bust and you have your scatter gun, you can usually shoot one to fall where it can be retreived, a follow up shot results in #2 way back in the sticks & a lost bird. The .22 match ammo we shoot is pretty quite and I have gotten up to 5 or 6 birds out of a covey in one sitting before they wise up. I have never seen your statement that if you "shoot one and the rest fly off." With the high power loud .22 ammo, yes but not with the quite Eley match & sub sonic. Our shots are safe w/ .22's on this particular ranch.

The only time we shoot quail on the ground w/ shotguns is when the Blues are running w/ us 'trying' to keep up and hit them on a full run. Not so easy & those boogers don't like to fly. It's also considered bad manners to shoot em buched up on the ground & take several with one blast. We never wipe out an entire covey for obvious reasons.

I have buddies who have leases in the motty brush and I get plenty of traditional scatter gun shooting where we can walk up to the singles....our particular ranch is just tough & we have to approach it different or we wouldn't be eating any.

Wish we had crows...we have one endangered Mexican version that we see from time to time but he's a big no-no. Plenty of grackels though.

Enjoy your season...it's almost here. Our special whitewing dove starts next weekend.

In Minnesota the (Intent and use) of the 22rf is for birds on the ground NOT FLYING . SW try some Wolf Match ;). It's quite a challenge to stalk a Pheasant in the snow for a head shot,try it sometime
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I heard good things on the wolf...

In Minnesota the (Intent and use) of the 22rf is for birds on the ground NOT FLYING . SW try some Wolf Match ;). It's quite a challenge to stalk a Pheasant in the snow for a head shot,try it sometime[/QUOT

...never tried it. My guess is an off hand head shot on a pheasant would be the same as a head on the quail w\ a rest.

seen many hunting show where they had to kick them up just ot get a flying shot...off hand .22 would be tougher.

Count me out if there is snow...hard to shoot when shaking for a s. tx boy. it gets below 50 and I'm roughing it!!

After the crops are out Pheasants will tend to (Hang Out) in the middle of a picked field .After having been shot at for the last month or so they're a little bit skittish,and the snow makes it worse.That's where the stalk and 22rf comes in,most are takin either kneeling or in the sitting positions. Quite a challenge (they never sit still very long):) Paul up here we use Gore-Tex and Thinsulate to help us out on the cold:rolleyes::) and several thermos's of hot coffee or chocolate in the truck:D it's all part of the sport
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I would need...

...a rail gun to hold steady Roger:) Heck those little bobbing nickle size quail heads are hard enough w/ a rest & I stink at off hand shooting much less shivering. I hear about all that warm clothing but there is nothing but fire that will warm my toes when they start to get cold. I would not have made a good cowboy!!

I don't know how you guys do it...I would love to do some hunting up north but I don't do below 40 degrees. Remember, if it freezes down here for more than 24-48 hours all our citris freeze & can even wipe out the economy for a while.

Any way we can do it from the truck??

I'm getting tired of our 100+ summers but I can always find AC...takes me longer to warm up:)

I guess it would be an issue for someone down south to come up north hunting. Especially if you havent been exposed to our blustery winters!
Well just to get on the OTHER side, did you know in Arkansas it was legal to shoot Herons if they are raiding a fish farm? And, you are allowed to use an automatic, even suppressed automatic, as in 10-22 converted to select-fire??? Now, how much more "Silent Warrior" is THAT??? (Hey, SW, how's that for a hi-jack track back in your own back-yard??)

Very nice Brian, very nice:)