A few thoughts (Trust)


J Conley

We at Denton had a long discussion today about the missing Rest and what we thought about the problem of someone taking items. Like Cale we chose to think it was a mistake. But either way it is a problem and by now should have been corrected. This kind of thing is a blow to our mutual trust.

We by necessity have to trust each other, we load with each other, we shoot next to each other, and we are depending on the group and the individuals that make up the crowd to watch for problems. Most of us help by doing all the little things necessary to catch a problem. When someone is down range we call out, when another forgets his muffs we call a halt until we can get the ears covered, we coach each other on how to navigate through matches and practice safely. On these matters we are mostly stern and direct.

Some times we have this kind of problem. A mistake is made, or someone among us is dishonest. We need to watch out for each other in these matters in the same direct way we always do on the line. In order to enjoy our sport we have to be able to trust each other and we do. But maybe just as we do with safety we need to trust and verify, keeping an eye on every thing, watching and quick to call out any issue. I wish this did not happen, but well it has and it is not the first time. Let’s redouble our efforts to not let it happen again, and hurt the most important thing necessary to enjoy our sport--- Trust.
Trust is everything

Thank you Jon,

Very thoughtful. Your words are so true.

I believe this incident to be just that...

Currently, the situation (I strongly believe) is this:
Equiptment was mistakenly loaded... Is still on the individuals vehicle and or in a loading ben/tub... The individual does not know he has the rest and stool.
Or does not realize he has an "extra stool and rest"... Yet..

To compound this, he does not go online nor is he "reachable".. Got a couple phone numbers but alas, no contact... Heck, I can even Google him but no good contact... Though there is a physical address and company name. I am in the process of crafting a letter and mailing off to this address...:eek:

Good greef..! Have not sent of a physical letter to anyone other than Christmas/Birthday cards...:cool:

My mistake... Is that I did not place a permanate contact info on my equiptment... This I am correcting PRONTO..!

Butch Fjoser has been a great help in assisting me... Very much appreciated Butch!

Both Ed Adams and Jack Snyder are assisting as well. I will get with Jack Monday for a listing of additional competitor info for a continued search.

Jon, I got an e-mail from Ralph Stewart with kind words.. I'll return it to him as well as to you. I'll have a name to see if maby you guys have a better contact for him...?

This has been frustrating for sure. I'm try'n to remain calm and hopeful that a good ending will result.

Thanks all,
The problem is this; most everybody as a specific place where each item goes when loading the truck. How can you take home an extra rest and stool when your own rest and stool are already occupying their normal spot in the truck ?
When I first started shooting at the Coors range I covered my reloading table with a plastic tarp at the end of the day as I saw others do. After a while I felt that this was more trouble than it was worth. The old saying of "locks only keep out honest people" seemed to apply here. So I stopped covering my table. So far, our differences on smoking notwithstanding, I have not been disappointed by my fellow shooters. I think there is a generally higher level of integrity and ethics in people who expose themselves to the rigors and public examination of competition. But nothing is 100% except the inevitability of death. So it becomes excruciatingly painful to consider that there may be a transgressor in the midst of a group we trust without question. :( The worst part is not the loss of physical items, but the seed of doubt planted that can germinate and spread like a cancer. I sincerely hope that this turns out to be a simple mistake because the alternative is too sad to contemplate.
Gentlemen ...

There are times when it pays to keep an eye on questionable spectators that don't seem to have an interest in match proceedings. Individuals who like to ogle the equipment as they move slowly up and down the line. And, just seem to hang around for no apparent reason. They're the ones who's behavior needs a little more observation. I believe most people are very honest and trustworthy but there are always a few who were never taught what personal integrity and honesty is all about. :( Keeping an eye on your equipment and your neighbor's is always a prudent course of action. There's a lot of money sitting on those benches ... and some folks know that. :)
My Prospective

I live in Raton, and have the shortest drive home of any of the Benchrest Competitors. For that reason, you guys that shoot there may have noticed that there is a bench full of equipment and a row of flags out there when you drive away.
The Arizona, Oklahoma, Texas, Colorado and California shooters are allowed to get to the doors and pack their stuff...........I'm in no hurry.
When my loading gear is packed up, I go to the bench and round up that stuff and the flags. I'm about as vulnerable an anyone and more so than most.
This deal with Cale's equipment bothers me........a lot.
I started stooting BR in 2000 and felt very comfortable leaving my gear at the range. I'm having second thoughts now.
I have only been shooting BR for about 3 years and Cale has been my mentor. Trust is the one big factor about this game that has really impressed me. If that is lost we are deeply deminished.

The problem is this; most everybody as a specific place where each item goes when loading the truck. How can you take home an extra rest and stool when your own rest and stool are already occupying their normal spot in the truck ?
Not to defend anybody but some of us are not all that organized, generally If I can close the rear doors of the vehicle I travel to shoots in (a van) I consider my packing efforts successful.

One other thing here and I hate to even bring it up, but were there any non regular BR shooters around ? Lester Bruno had a trigger disappear from his store one year at Kelblys and he told me he felt none of the regular guys would steal from him but there were non regulars around and that's who he thought perhaps did it and I suspect he was right. Did this rest get left at the range after all the regular benchrest shooters left perhaps.

Unfortunately this theory if true would be very bad for chances of getting the rest back to its rightful owner.


I would think any rest that is suitable for Benchrest, along with a stool, would top enough monetary value to be classed as Felony Theft.

Any one call the Police??.......jackie
Having talked to many shooters about this very thing, most always think it's the non-regulars and I would have to agree. A few years back, Joel had a shadetree rest top stole out of his camper that he was selling for Butch. Gosh....the look on his face would bring tears to most peoples faces. I was camping just across from them and my kids were filming with a camcorder during that time but there was about a 15min window that my son was filming with his back to Joel's camper and that was when it took place. He was pretty sure it wasn't a regular shooter. But then again, a few years before that...a guy was leading or close to leading the supershoot when someone took the bullets he was using and he didn't have anymore with him (great bullets). That was diffenently done to hinder his performance....which it did and is shameful.

The trust in the BR crowd is second to none in my experience. I remember when Paul Schmidt was starting to handle the SEB rests. I was at the supershoot and stopped by to see the rests. We chatted a few minutes and before I could get away, he kept handing me a rest, couple of different front bags and two rear bags. He said "go try these out". I said "heck you don't know me and I don't think I'll have time tonight". He said "Just keep them until you get the chance and let me know whether you like it or not" "Just drop them back off when your done or drop a check if I'm not around". Made me a nervous wreck but really shows the attitude of most in this sport.

Good luck and I hope you get your equipment back.

Bump up. Cale, any luck yet? I am betting that the "person" that took it is not a shooter but a vendor with an attitude. There was one there. I just hope it is not so and is just a mistake, but i'm not holding my breath.

Lost Bore Scope

Personally, I wouldn't count onit. I lost a Bore scope at a Waco match several years ago, and no one ever came forward to admit they took it. It's the only range i watch my equipment like a hawk when outsiders are lurking.