Yep. I notice with the rail I have that the spring drive that controls right to left shifts, or unloads, when going from one direction to the other. turning the knob counter clock wise the springs loads up as the crosshairs move left. rotate the knob clockwise the crosshair jumps up as they move to the right. Ive shot good groups settling in both ways, so I don't think thats an issue, but maybe I will investigate a little further?? Other than that I cant think of anything. My scope is solid I know that for sure. Night force scope are legit to say the least!!
Normally when I see side by side impact, my first thought would be that my load is to hot. Not the case here. Last week when I was shooting the rail, I guess I noticed a little bit of what I am describing also. I didn't think all that much of it other than it was my tune. The rail shoots so consistent , meaning the point of impact and the size and shape of the groups change very little if any with slight to moderate load changes. Very little to no vertical, but that side by side impact" no paper showing" seems to be the norm. The dam thing is shooting 5 shots groups in the one's so maybe I am just over thinking the hole thing. Maybe this is all the barrel has, or will do? There is a part of me that thinks there is a reason, for this so ill pick it apart until I figure it out or go crazy in the process. LOL!! The consistency of the groups is what bothers me. If the rain hasn't washed the target out ill take a pic. Lee