8-12-17 S. Ga. Results

We had a great day today for SOTY#5, as the Sun never broke through until after we were finished. The wind was calm most of the time allowing for some good shooting. Mike Cameron shot 3-GUN and Unlimited without dropping a single point. Thanks to all who attended and helped throughout the year. S. Ga. Boy
IR 50/50 Sporter
1) Mike Cameron 250-15X
2) L. Worthy Jr. 245-12X
3) Mickey Law 237-7X
10.5 lb.
1) Mike Cameron 250-16X
2) Richard Shorter 250-15X
3) L. Worthy Jr. 248-13X
13.5 lb.
1) Mike Cameron 250-22X
2) Richard Shorter 250-19X
3) Mickey Law 249-16X
1) Mike Cameron 250-21X
2) L. Worthy Jr. 250-15X
3) Mickey Law 250-15X
1) Mike Camron 250-20X
2) L. Worthy Jr. 250-17X
3) Mickey Law 250-15X
1) Mike Cameron 250-18X
2) Mickey Law 248-16X
3) L. Worthy Jr. 248-13X
Club Sporter Champion Mike Cameron 999-68X
Club 10.5 lb Champion Mike Cameron 996-54X
Club 13.5 lb. Champion L. Worthy Jr. 991-52X
Club Grand Agg. Champion Mike Cameron 2984-172X
Club Unlimited
1) L. Worthy Jr. 2983-168X
2) Mike Cameron 2973-10X
3) Mickey Law 2968-162X
250 Agg

Dam that's some really great shooting. If that isn't a recognized World Record then maybe it should be!
6 targets with a 250 in one day in two different disciplines!
That's my story & I'm sticking to it.:)
Mike Cameron

For anyone to fire 150 record shots and not lose one point is pretty remarkable. What are the odds of not having one cartridge that lets you down? Even if you are lucky enough to grab 150 "good" cartridges, you still have be VERY focused. Mike has great equipment, maintains good ammo, and is obviously a great shooter. I'm just proud to say I was there when it happened. S. Ga. Boy
you still have be VERY focused. S. Ga. Boy[/QUOTE said:
At last years Nationals while I was waiting for a condition I looked up the line to watch Mike shooting. He was so concentrated he almost looked MAD!!! He was obviously focused. Its always a pleasure to watch him "work".
Great shooting Mike!
