6PPC for F-Class????


New member
Why has no one, to my knowledge, shot a 6PPC in F-Class competition?

It would appear that this cartridge with an appropriate twist barrel would be a killer cartridge.
I think a lot of people have asked this over the years... everything I have heard seems to run along the lines that by the time you start trying to run a 105-108gn bullet the advantage shifts to the 6 BR with the long neck, commonly available bolt face, and just enough extra case capacity to run said projectiles fast enough to do the trick.

Provided the pond isn't much deeper than 300 yards.
I did back a few yrs. ago at Chattanooga shoot a 200-20X @ 500 yds., shooting std. BR loads (68 gr. FB HPs) but it was a very still morning at the shoot...
I just wanted to try it...lol...
Have a good one...Tater...
Was that on the new target, or the old? ;)

Either way, it's amazing sometimes what kind of groups can be put together in the right conditions.
Was that on the new target, or the old? ;)
Either way, it's amazing sometimes what kind of groups can be put together in the right conditions.

The right conditions is what I think counted in that situation...lol... I really couldn't answer on the target size, it would have been whatever they were using in 2003 or 04 I think... Besides that was the only 500 yd. F-Class I had or have ever shot, I think...
I normally shot at AEDC and we shot 600 & 1,000 yd., and I think they were the old targets then, and if I was betting, I would bet they used the old ones at the Chattanooga 500 yd. shoot also... I normally shot the 6mm Dasher & 107 Sierras @ 600 and the 6.5x284 & 142 Sierras @ 1,000... I love the 6 Dasher @ 600... I shot a 450-33x at the 05 Nationals in Oak Ridge & tied for the open class 600 yd. win, but got creed moored, did win the senior 600 though... On one target I shot a 150-14x... I would not seriously do the 6PPC for the 600 yd. range with the 6BR & 6 Dasher being available and with Lapua brass also available for them...JMO...
Have a good one...Tater...
I sometimes use my 6PPC for F Class. My PPC has never shot less than 300yds, which is the shortest distance my local F class ranges have. In light conditions it does very well at 300 yds and I use it for club days when I am trying to get wind reading/tactics practice. At 300-500 yds, you REALLY have to concentrate hard on the flags or it gets blown around much more than the regular F Class cartridges. Mine is shooting 66gn Berger LDs.
Do to F class having a 22lb weight limit and no real chance of running shots quickly, as well as more liberal stock rear end designs, there is no real need for such light recoiling cartridges.
They sure are fun though in light conditions.

The new targets didn't show up until the '06 Nationals at the earliest, or the beginning of '07. The 10 ring on the new ones is the size of the X ring on the old ones, or about 1/4 the area in which to put a shot. Much less forgiving in terms of shooting high scores... which was kind of the idea, since as you pointed out, there were a number of matches being decided by Creedmoor rules. Also around that time the 500yd sling target (essentially what you were shooting on) got a lot harder too - it was probably the most forgiving target out there (changed from the MR to the MR-65)

That said, that 200-20X @ 500 would still have been a clean, or damn near, which is pretty good shooting with light bullets by my standards ;)
The PPC as I know it

On a calm day the PPC is good at 300yds - nothing much better. Get a bit of wind and your dead.

Certainly, the PPC is the only thing I remember seeing at those 300yd matches so the PPC won them all but there were days that the winner had a relatively "large" aggregate. Bart shot a really good 300yd agg with a PPC - I believe it was a record. I believe that if I were shooting 300yds regularly, I'd have different caliber on the standby in case the wind blew.

Don't know about greater than 300yds but almost NOBODY shoots a PPC (and wins) beyond that yardage. Could be wrong...just sayin'.

I remember a windy day at 300yds where Mike Lucas said some bad words when he fired his last shot. I looked at his target and wondered why he made those remarks as his group was TINY (record tiny). I asked what he was cussin' about but didn't catch what he said. I looked at his target when they hung it up and he had a tiny group near the middle and a shot that was almost off the sheet - BIG GROUP. I now know what he said - or something like it.