6ppc borden chamber?

Call Pacific Tool & Gauge, 541-826-5808, and ask if Jim Bordon had a reamer, of that particular caliber, manufactured there. If he did, ask that a copy of the reamer specs be emailed to you. Usually, you can get one within 10 to 15 minutes of the call. The reamer specs will have everything you need and more.
Call Pacific Tool & Gauge, 541-826-5808, and ask if Jim Bordon had a reamer, of that particular caliber, manufactured there. If he did, ask that a copy of the reamer specs be emailed to you. Usually, you can get one within 10 to 15 minutes of the call. The reamer specs will have everything you need and more.
Whether or not Jim Borden elects to share his thinking on these dimensions with the world is his business. Unless he has specifically told his reamer grinder to release the information, they shouldn't.

If you want to know, I'd suggest you call Jim Borden and (1) ask permission, (2) tell him you understand if he doesn't want to share the information, and (3) either way, thank him. Shouldn't have to say that & don't mean to give offense, but there seem to be people on BR Central who've never heard of intellectual property rights.
Charles has a point.

Some folks are very willing to share all types of information for the benefit of all, and the sport. Others, may keep info close to the vest, as a way of preventing, as they see it, the relinquishment of a firing line competitive advantage.

You'll spot the sport's boosters by how much they share. Here's an example of the Speedy-Boyer #3 specs being released to the world: http://www.accurateshooter.com/cartridge-guides/6mmppc/

Note: PT&G and at least one other, that I know of, will tell you upfront, whether or not they can release the specs.
you will need to call Jim and talk to him. I know he has a few different chambers.
when he chambered my barrel, he gave me detailed information on chamber spec's and even load data as to what they had found to be shooting the best.
what more could you ask for.
There advertised for sale on JGS web site as Borden 22ppc and Borden 6ppc reamers. There not top secret for pete sakes. What are you supposed to do, buy the reamer but not know what it is!!!! I have Jims 22ppc reamer and its fantastic. Its designed so that you can do a full lenght 22ppc or go as short as .125 without having die issues. Oh wait was i supposed to say that. But yes, call Jim he is great to talk with. Lee
Ya, this is real top secret stuff, dont you know!! Good grief!!!!! Lee
You've still got a lot to learn, Lee.

It would take a seance, but ask Gibbs about the dimensions for any of his cases.

Call up Dave Tooley & ask for the specifications of the .30 BooBoo.

Remember the Rick Jameson patent? Winchester is still paying royalaties on the .300WSM -- unless they made a lump sum settlement --

It's called intellectual property.

Now for all I know, Jim may want to share & publish everything he knows. Even freely, on the internet. I'd doubt it -- I wouldn't, if it were me & I was making a living in the business -- but who knows.

Point is, it's his decision, not yours.
Since they are advertised id say its ok. wouldnt you.
As far as mr tooley goes no one asked about a 30 30 bo bo. Your always bringing something other than the topic to the post.
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Since they are advertised id say its ok. wouldnt you.
As far as mr tooley goes no one asked about a 30 30 bo bo. Your always bringing something other than the topic to the post.

Only if the advertising includes a print of the reamer.

Lee, there are a lot of reamers you can order from PTG that you will not get a print with because the cartridge is proprietary. I have a couple that I had to go to the designer to get a print for that reason.

There is no need for examples when the topic is quite clear.
I Understand what your trying to say, and my point is why not just help the OP out instead of making him feel like a fool. You have a way of belittling folks around here Charles. There is just no need for it. Our sport is small enough as it is. Your a smart man with lots of good, real life info to share. Most of us here cant give the kind of time, and resources to this sport that you have choosen to. Thats a gift most dont have. Embrace the gift and ease up for pete sakes. This isnt top secret stuff. This is a small family of folks who enjoy this stuff.
Charles i dont dislike you one bit nor do i like debating you. You have helped me out on several occasions, and i appreciate that. You have lots to share, and i would love to see this sport grow. Your the type of guy that can help make this happen. When you talk down to people of make them feel stupid for asking a question, especially one such as this, that is clearly public assessable knowledge, it makes folks question the types of people that play this game.
I mean no disrespect, i truly do not!! Lee
I will state as fact that I've purchased rifles from three different people who were reluctant to share their reamer spacs. ON RIFLES I'D BOUGHT FROM THEM!!

I hadda' measure up two of them myownself......

I'll stand firmly with Charles Ellertson and Lee, you're taking this all the wrong way IMO.

But....... understand this......... I've learned that people communicate differently, they HEAR differently and perceive/receive information differently. They PROCESS this information differently and as a result communication can become "heated."

((Oddly enough, this happens even to ME!!))

Rock on guys, you ARE among friends....

There is no need for examples when the topic is quite clear.
I Understand what your trying to say, and my point is why not just help the OP out instead of making him feel like a fool. You have a way of belittling folks around here Charles. There is just no need for it. Our sport is small enough as it is. Your a smart man with lots of good, real life info to share. Most of us here cant give the kind of time, and resources to this sport that you have choosen to. Thats a gift most dont have. Embrace the gift and ease up for pete sakes. This isnt top secret stuff. This is a small family of folks who enjoy this stuff.
Charles i dont dislike you one bit nor do i like debating you. You have helped me out on several occasions, and i appreciate that. You have lots to share, and i would love to see this sport grow. Your the type of guy that can help make this happen. When you talk down to people of make them feel stupid for asking a question, especially one such as this, that is clearly public assessable knowledge, it makes folks question the types of people that play this game.
I mean no disrespect, i truly do not!! Lee

Honey always tastes better than Vinegar! :)

And we all have to constantly remember what Al cogently brings up above:

.... "people communicate differently, they HEAR differently and perceive/receive information differently. They PROCESS this information differently ...."

Keep it simple, direct, positive and polite, without going off on a tangent, and I'll think we'll be OK.
I have no problem sharing the specs of those reamers and Charles has a good point. Oft times information is taken for granted. Heck, I have even had folks email and call asking for action drawings so they could make their own. One guy was offended when I said no. Most others understand.

The Borden PPC reamers had my name attached by Dave Kiff to differentiate them from the normal reamers at that time frame. Sako had discontinued providing the 220 Russian brass and folks wanted to use Sako PPC USA brass. They were forcing the brass into the chambers and were experiencing tight cases and extraction issues. So all I did was measure a bunch of the brass and change the body dimensions to allow use of that brass. Dave made me the reamers and called them Borden PPC so they did nor get purchased by someone wanting to chamber for the Russian brass. I had him make some with .025 free bore, some with .03 and some with .06. Not sure if the current Borden PPC reamers from him still have the bigger body.

By all means if folks want to know something, just call and ask.

Ya see . . .

I have no problem sharing the specs of those reamers and Charles has a good point. Oft times information is taken for granted. Heck, I have even had folks email and call asking for action drawings so they could make their own. One guy was offended when I said no. Most others understand.

The Borden PPC reamers had my name attached by Dave Kiff to differentiate them from the normal reamers at that time frame.
Sako had discontinued providing the 220 Russian brass and folks wanted to use Sako PPC USA brass. They were forcing the brass into the chambers and were experiencing tight cases and extraction issues. So all I did was measure a bunch of the brass and change the body dimensions to allow use of that brass. Dave made me the reamers and called them Borden PPC so they did nor get purchased by someone wanting to chamber for the Russian brass. I had him make some with .025 free bore, some with .03 and some with .06. Not sure if the current Borden PPC reamers from him still have the bigger body.

By all means if folks want to know something, just call and ask.


:cool: I like it! Thank you, Jim! And a little history thrown in to boot!:) RG