6ppc barrel

I don't know of anyone who makes prefits in 6PPC. You could a blank from most anyone and have it chambered. That can get pretty pricey. You might want to think about that before you put $450-500 in a barrel for a Savage. Also, one other small item, you will need a PPC boltface as well.

A friend wanted a drop in Savage barrel of the highest grade, with a chamber cut with his own reamer, so that he could have the exact dimensions that he wanted. Shilen did just exactly that, and it shoots as well as you would expect.
Fred Moreo at sharpshootersupply.com He also has savage bolt heads for PPC.

Fred's very good. He fitted a 3 inch wide forearm stock, trued and timed my action, and chambered a Douglas barrel for my model 12 a few years ago. It may take some time to get the work done. His "assistant" over-promises so expect to be disappointed with the actual delivery date. The Douglas barrel is OK. I don't believe it will ever outshine the Shilen. Don't know about the other one he's offering. His site doesn't mention the neck chamber dimension for the 6PPC. The tight-neck .262" is the traditional. You'll have to go with the 1-14 twist barrel. 13.5 is the standard among the traditionalists shooting the 66 or 68 grain custom made bullets. Good luck. :)
Fred's very good. He fitted a 3 inch wide forearm stock, trued and timed my action, and chambered a Douglas barrel for my model 12 a few years ago. It may take some time to get the work done. His "assistant" over-promises so expect to be disappointed with the actual delivery date. The Douglas barrel is OK. I don't believe it will ever outshine the Shilen. Don't know about the other one he's offering. His site doesn't mention the neck chamber dimension for the 6PPC. The tight-neck .262" is the traditional. You'll have to go with the 1-14 twist barrel. 13.5 is the standard among the traditionalists shooting the 66 or 68 grain custom made bullets. Good luck. :)

I have no doubt that Fred Moreo has the "ability" to do most anything. However, if you guys value your own reputation you might want to check around before you offer your recommendation for SSS. If you do some due diligence you'll find that there are plenty of people who have been burned by these folks and I do speak from personal experience. I have had less than a satisfactory experience with Mr Moreo and have also owned one of his famous time and truing jobs along with the vaunted SSS Evolution trigger. I will never do business with them again under any circumstances and would not recommend them to my worst enemy let alone a new shooter.

SharpShootersSupply.com is just another source for a Savage drop-in barrel. They can very easily be installed by the shooter, if so inclined.

I forgot to mention earlier, if a Shilen barrel is purchased as a Savage Replacement and then shipped to an FFL holder there used to be a nice discount offered to the buyer. A call can confirm if it's still being given. :)
would you put a ppc bbl on a Savage?

I had Jim Borden put a Krieger 6 PPC barrel on one of my Savage actions. It was done with the same reamer that he used for a bench rifle he made for me and that Savage shoots almost as good as the bench rifle, notice I said Almost.
Here is a thought. I have seen some exceptional accuracy from friends' slow twist 6BRs, groups in the high ones and low twos with a careful workup was done with custom bullets. These are high quality builds, in one case on a Panda, the other on a fully blueprinted Remington, that has a sleeved bolt. I am not sure that there would be any advantage to using the 6PPC in a Savage, given that that caliber's accuracy is so close to a well built slow twist 6BR at the closer distances. Of course the advantage of the 6BR is that you don't need to modify a bolt head, or fire form brass. One fellow that I know that has shot benchrest for years, told me some years ago, that he once had used a 6BR to compete in short range benchrest matches. Before and after that he shot a 6PPC. He said that it had been competitive. If the difference in accuracy is that close in a custom actioned benchrest rifle, I doubt that it would be discernible in anything less, and before you get defensive about Savages, I have owned several, and like them, but I have never seen one that would run well in a sanctioned benchrest group match of any size.