6PPC and 30BR using the same receiver/bolt



Being brand new to this sport I'm trying to get as much information as I can before I get my first gun. That said. How many out there switch barrels using the same action/bolt to shoot 6PPC and 30BR? I've seen some advertised on "The List" and have talked to a couple of guys. Seems doable but what do you give up in terms of accuracy and or precision? My reason for asking is as I gain more knowledge both group and score appeal to me. Your opinons appreciated. If this has been asked before just point me to the thread. Thanks.
I have not seen this done before. The bolt face on a 6ppc is smaller than the 30BR for this to work the bolt face would half to be opened up to accept the bigger case. Unless your thinking 6BR instead of a 6ppc. A 30BR is a 6BR necked up this will work and you want give up accuracy but it can be a little agravating. If you have not changed barrels before this may not be the way to go. I am fairly new to this sport also and most of the guys I have shot with that has been in it for a long time shoot differnt guns for score and group. Some just stick with 1 for both.
Given a well balanced, well tuned, and good shooting rifle, with both barrels, most people still shoot the two differently. Most ppc shooters shoot totally free-recoil. Most 30 shooters shoot with some degree of hold or pinning of the rifle. Both will shoot, you just have to learn how to shoot it either way and let the gun tell you what it wants as it is. If you can find a setup that works for you with both, that's GREAT!
As for the bolt face issue.. it's been covered here several times. You either shoot a 30 that already utilizes a ppc rim diameter, open the bolt face, or you turn the rims to fit the ppc bolt. I shoot a cartridge that fits the bolt, and am happy with it. --Mike
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Why would you open a boltface? You can turn a very small amount off the OD of a BR case and use it in your ppc. Some PPC bolts will pull the BR cases.
I think maybe a couple of the guys misunderstood the question. Some boltfaces will pull both types of cases. I have a Panda and a Nesika that will do well with either a BR or PPC case.

Correct and with the proper extractor set up you can have a bolt face opened up {just enough} to accomidate bot ppc cases and Br bolt face.
to the OP....I think you may be asking ..."will a .308 bolt face pull a PPC reliably"..?....YES ...my Panda will shoot/extract/eject both with NO problems....some actons/bolts with various extractor/ejector combos ,,will NOT....ask about a specific action/bolt and you will get an answer about it...if you have any questions talk to the folks at Kelblys (330-682-7348)..they build em evry day...Roger
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My latest gun has a .473" bolt face. It's a switch barrel-switch caliber gun, in 6PPC & .284win. (same action same bolt same stock).
To my surprise, it did extract PPC case reliably (without any problem), however it didn't extract the .284win case reliably.
(Before I used it, I "thought" that it would extract .473 case head reliably & maybe not for the PPC).
Later after the match is over I found that the extractor & the "cutout" on the bolt head were not smooth so it didn't slide smoothly. (especially when it is pushed more outward i.e. to catch the larger .473" case head). I have fixed it anyway. I also cut the ejector spring a bit as it was too strong for my need.
The gun shoots very well either in PPC (LV/HV mode) or .284win (LG mode) & I'm happy with it!

I, OTOH, have a Grizzly II that Kelbly tells me can NOT be modifed to reliably eject both PPC and BR.
I have two actions that will pull both PPC and the 30BR size case. I have never modified a case to get them to work. One is a Farley and the other is a Stiller Viper.

How many out there switch barrels using the same action/bolt to shoot 6PPC and 30BR? Seems doable but what do you give up in terms of accuracy and or precision? My reason for asking is as I gain more knowledge both group and score appeal to me. Your opinions appreciated.

I have both, a 6PPC for Group and a 30BR for Score. Billy Stevens built both my rifles: http://www.stevensaccuracy.com/ I recently purchased a Heavy Varmint 6mm barrel and had it chambered for the 6PPC to be used with the BAT action on my 30BR. Both my guns use the same BAT action. When I asked Billy if I could swat out the bolts when shooting the 6PPC heavy barrel on the 30BR action, his comment was that it wasn't necessary, that the 30BR's bolt extractor would handle the 6PPC cases as is.
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Thanks for all your information. As I understand it, if you have a 30BR bolt you may be able to extract a 6PPC case from an installed 6PPC barrel. But if you have a 6PPC bolt and screw in a 30BR barrel you will not be able to make it work with the 30BR case.
Read Jim Borden's reply again. His Rimrock BR actions (bolts) are built to handle both a BR case and a PPC case as manufactured, not they may work. If a bolt is made for a PPC only, it will not work with a BR case without the rim being trimed. You have to know how the bolt is designed.

Glenn, I don't think every .308 bolt will reliably handle PPC cases, but to my knowledge most custom actions either will or can be made to. When I ordered my BAT SV for 30BR it was an option to have an extractor for PPC. IMHO, it makes more sense to have an extractor a bit longer than to go to the trouble of turning cases, but certainly, to each his own.
I had a bat 6ppc action that was opened up to handle 30br and used that one stock for both group (6ppc) and score (as 30br) for about a year and it was geat for both. The only "problem" I had was that it would not alway eject the 6ppc cases once it was opened up. It would extract them without fail but every once in a while I would have to reach up and remove the spent brass from the action because it did not eject it clear. It wasn't that big of a deal and as I said I got along great for a year. Not doing it any more as I had a new HV built and ordered a 6ppc bolt and a 30br bolt with the new grizzly action.

BTW, I'd be willing to sell the opened bat if anyone was interested.
I had my Panda opened up and worked fine w/ both when I decided I wanted and ejector I had to change the extractor to a Sako style now it works great it's a Left hand port.
Opened up versus manufactured behave differently

Keep in mind that "opening" a ppc coned bolt to 308 bolt face will act differently than a 308 bolt face with coned bolt with extractor already set at ppc height. The depth of the counterbore in bolt face is different-which most often makes the "opened" up bolt face less reliable at ejection-it will extract fine-but ejection will be less reliable than when done in the manufacturing process.
Art G
I have a Kelbly Panda action, It was made with a 308 bolt face to begin with. Have shot it with a 6ppc barrel a year now with n troble extracting cases. Am currently getting a 30 br barrel to use with it. Since it has a 308 bolt face I expect no trouble.