6mm br dies

Ah, but

i used to race r/c trucks and had $1500. in one truck and won alot of races.one race i showed up with one of my kids $200. trucks and won.when i did win all i got was a $5.00 trophy

those bragging rights are priceless!

You asked if the only difference between the 30br and the 6br is size, and the answer is no, although size is a biggie in a best edge shooting event. I don't have any experience specifically for the 6br but I have loaded for many others and especially so for the 30br. I have found that the 30br is one of the easiest to tune and when properly tuned it usually stays in tune for the entire day, unlike some other calibers used in Benchrest. Accuracy is the other main features of a 30br which along with size are paramount for winning. The 6br on the other hand may be cheaper to load as custom bullets may be cheaper, and at 300 yards may hold a ballistic advantage if the accuracy parameters are the same (which I don't believe they are). At 300 yards, tie-breakers are generally not needed so size of caliber become less a factor in winning.
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