6BR with 108 berger

It's an increasingly popular choice at Piedmont although you wouldn't know it from the equipment lists. Those who have tried it think it is easier to tune and might be more accurate than the vld but gives up a little more wind drift. You could come prepared with both and pick your ammo for the condition of the moment.

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In the west it's reported that H4895 is very popular for 6BR generally with RL15 second and Varget a distant third. At Piedmont the most recent equipment list shows RL 15 the most popular powder with Varget second and H4895 in third for the 6BR and its variants. I don't know that a particular 6mm bullet in the 105-108 range would reccommend a different powder choice than another in a particulare barrel. Greg
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Curious that the east and west show such a difference in powder choice. Since we're in the east, what do people at Piedmont dislike about 4895?

It is curious indeed! As you often recommend, people watch what works and perhaps the western crowd found eary success with 4895 and in the east the lined formed behind 15. Maybe most of the Piedmont crowd are like me and just never tried 4895 in BR family. But those that have seem to get good results. I started with Varget because that's what I had the most of and it worked fine so I haven't changed.

Of the three powders mentioned I'm quite certain that I couldn't forecast by order of finish who was using which. There seems to be a lot of different ways to skin the powder cat in medium 6's. Who's working with 140, 150 or 540?

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Other powders worth a look -- it you had a supply laying around -- might be Norma 203B IMR 4320, AA 2700, and perhaps N530 (very close to 4895) -- or, going the other way, even N550, which is really dense stuff, you might be able to get enough in a Dasher.

Joel & I got a Dasher reamer, and as soon as one of us gets healthy enough to stand over the lathe, we'll chamber up a barrel. I do see all the powder suppliers seems out of Varget, 15, and 4895. Seems like the Dasher folk are hording again . . .
In the far far west Varget is king in the straight 6BR followed by RE15. In the 6 Dasher RE15 is King followed by Varget.
I haven't heard of anyone using 4895 in either case this far west but the guys in montana seem to like it in the dasher.
Lynn aka Waterboy

Apparently I've made the error of lumping all of the West (a very large, diverse and impossible to define region) with the west (a very large, diverse and somewhat easier to define (lovely place and people) area centered on Missoula. This proves two things; There is danger in relying on annecdotal information and I've got to get out more. Perhaps powder choice for the 6 BR is as pocketed as dialect/accent. Oh, yah, it also proves that 6BR (and its variants) is such a fundamentally sound cartridge (like a 308 Win) that no matter how you come at it its going to work pretty good.

Thanks for correcting my mistake.

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I recently sold one of my 6BR's that loved the 108's on top of 30.5 grains of Varget CCI450's. Shot some fantastic long range groups with that rifle and bullet.
My other 6BR shoot's just a tad better with the 105 VLD's than with the 108's. However, on any given day it was a toss up which rifle bullet combo would shoot better.

I actually wasn't correcting you as we call Montana,Wyoming,Colorado,Utah,New Mexico,Idaho and the surrounding area the west and Califrornia,Oregon and Washington the far west.
Lynn aka Waterboy

You did clarify the predominance of Varget in the far west and that will be more useful to folks than the miss-information that I provided.

Thanks again,

does "WEST" Virginia count....

ahahah....I live on the far west side of the state along the Ohio River....the only thing west of here is the Northwest Territory...just ask Lewis and Clark..grinn....and I shoot Rx-15 ....whodathunkit....I may bring some of it loaded to the WEST coast ...look out Lynn....you guys are rite...if the gun is working just about anything in the right burn rate will plunk em together downrange.....Roger
XBR and 108 bergers

I shoot 31.1gn of 8208 XBR right at 3000 fps in my 6BR 1in8 32" Broughton, shoots flat as a pancake and groups great:D
I shoot 31.1gn of 8208 XBR right at 3000 fps in my 6BR 1in8 32" Broughton, shoots flat as a pancake and groups great:D

Without being rude, is 3000FPS really possible in the BR ???? I've had 3 barrels and not one of them broke 2900FPS and yes I've tried RE15 found it very temp sensitive and still wouldn't get near 3000. How many firings do you guys getting 3000 get out of a case ????
Matt Paroz
IMR 8208 xbr

I have just started working with this powder in my 6mmBR with Berger 105BT's. So far I am not able to use more than 29 grains without getting pressure signs. But at 29 grains I am getting 2954 fps +/- 7 and 5 shot groups in the .2's and .3's out of my Remington F-Class rifle.

I have not tested with the VLD's yet or with the Sierra MK 107's.

This is a 1000 yard rifle, not a BR gun.

I was going to test at 600 yards today but the winds are forecast to gust to 30.

I'll have to try the 8208. I worked a load with Varget two years ago when I built my gun. Quick easy fast accurate but a hot load. Maybe I can do as well or better with the 8208.
If you've tried 3 barrels and never got more than 2900 fps something is working against you in your set-up.Do you know how much freebore your reamer has and if so please post it.
The amount of freebore your reamer has determines to a small degree how your gun will build pressure.If you have very little freebore it will build pressure quickly with varget and getting past 2900 is a little more tricky than it is with a reamer with lots of freebore.
The newer Lapua brass while still good brass requires you to shoot it twice before you can work up to a hotter load.
H4350 will get you alot more velocity than Varget or RE15 if you can't get to 2900 fps now.
Lynn aka Waterboy