6BR evaluation


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6BR evaluation Pics UP!!

Ok here is some pics of the groups i have been getting while trying to find a load for this new rifle. I have a shoot next weekend so i am trying my best to come up with a solid load for it. I hate to be a pest but i am still pretty new to all this and i was hoping someone with some years of experience could offer up some info, so i will know what direction to go with next. One thing i am noticing is that two shots will print together and the third will be out. I only took a pic of the target from today but this two shot print and one shot out is very consistent from the two days of shooting. What are your fellas thoughts as to what would cause this? I hope you can read my writing on the target. any info is great. I love this stuff, and finding a good load is all part of the fun and if it were not for the upcoming shoot, i would bother you fine folks. anyway Let me know what your thoughts are. thanks Lee

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here is a quick rundown of whats going on. All these targets are three shots.

TLT- 30.5gr varget, fed 205m, 10jam. 3095,3146,2874.
TMT- 30.5 varget, 20jam,fed 205m, 3084fps
TRT- 30.5 varg, 30jam, fed 205m, 3107,3087,3108 fps

BLT30.2 varg, 10jam, CCI450, 2848,2824,2810
BMT- 30.0gr H4895 fed 205, 10jam, 2846,2881,2841,2815, ( these were some older loads i had for a different rifle)
BRT- 30.2var, 10jam, CCI450 2804, 2794,

My chrony is a el cheapO delux so i am not real sure if these reading mean much. I weight all my charges on my RCBS auto dispenser. This barrel is brand new with only 15 rounds on it until i shot these groups. Maybe the barrel needs to be shot a bit more before it comes around. the last target on the bottom was my last group for the day and the best so??? Mirage was tough even at 100 yards. thanks fellas! Lee
From the data you posted, I'm gonna say you need to slow down and change things a little at a time. 10 thousandths changes in seating depth will jump you right past a possible node. A change of .002" can make a mind boggling difference. My method for working up a load has me working my way to max pressure, checking for the telltale signs. Once I'm there, I back off a bit, then start messing with seating depth. As I stated before, a little change can go a long way. Sometimes I find that I have to back off considerably from max to get consistency, sometimes not. But one thing I can tell you is that changing back and forth from primer to primer and powders will drive you nuts. Stick with one primer and one powder until you are satisfied that you have the best load with that combo. Then if you decide it ain't good enough, change something. Don't change more than one thing at a time though, or you'll never know what the culprit is. Loading at the range is an enormous help in working up a load, as you can make these little changes on the fly. It cuts down load work up time to nil, compared to having to run back and forth from home. If you aren't already doing it, I would highly recommend that you start.
here is a pic of the target from yesterday as well. As you can see there is definitely a pattern. 2 shots in and one out. thanks fellas!! Lee

Thanks for the info. I am sure you are correct. I am just trying to find something that isnt throwing a flyer, and then work off of that. Probably not the best way!! I guess i am getting in to big of a hurry. I have one more day to find something decent before the shoot. actually only one more hour of range time. My two beautiful little girls have me really busy this weekend. LOL!! Its all fun though! I enjoy every minute of them!! Thanks again! Lee

I guess what i really dont understand is no matter what i change i still get the one flyer. What could that be? I am using a .267 bushing in my redding die. Do you think i need to tighten it up? No turn chamber. I havent tried jumping any of these bullets yet, should I?
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Nevermind fellas!!!! I found the problem. I hate to even admit it but my front scope ring wasnt tight at all. I am usually way more carefull than that. I sure hope it didnt shoot loose!! They are good rings so i dont think that was it. I just need to make sure and double check my work. Sorry to take up your good fellas time!! Lee
lee, I would back off on the jam and try them as well. I have about 20 rounds down my 6br. 95 grain bergers over 31 gr of varget .025" off is printing 1/3moa at 600 yards and it's the first load I tried.
It looks like i am back at square one really. Its looks like most all the load combos i have tried are going to shoot well at 100 yards. I wish i had at least 200 yards to work with but thats just not the case. So what i think i will do is start at 30.5 (as this doesnt seem to be to much pressure at all in my rife) and try to get some consistent numbers as far as velocity goes. My little chrony isn't the greatest, but i have gotten some good reading in the past while working with a 6.5 creedmoor. So thats my goal for today. Load some good ammo and try to find some consistency. Then go have some fun next weekend. This upcoming shoot will be the first time i have ever shot a rifle at 600 yards so i dont expect to set a world record. I just want to enjoy the company of some fine people and play with some nice toys.
Fellas this stuff is just really exciting for me, and i enjoy every aspect of it, I sure hope my questions and experience dont wear on your folks nerves. I just cant help myself!! I used to shoot shotguns competitively with a great deal of success but this rifle business is way more fun. I feel like i have been missing out on the last 10 years of my life! LOL!!! I will report my results after today. thanks again guys!! Lee
Use 30.5 grains of powder and don't mess with the neck bushing at all.Seat your bullets as long as the chamber will allow and work in only one direction which is deeper into the case.
The 6BR has a load window about 0.5 grains wide so once your there you can simply adjust your seating depth.Leave the chrono at home and spend all your time working on the seating depth.
Waterboy aka Lynn
Thanks Lynn I will do that. i shot a few more groups today with almost Th same outcome. It seems like it will stack 2 and then throw one out a bullet or a bullet and a half? I dont get it. I will get more organised and start over. The rifle also today stacked some three shot groups into one itty bitty hole. I dont know!! I will post a pic here in a bit. Thanks Lee


Look at the top the groups. they are all the same load. I managed to keep all three in the first group but who knows what might have happened if i had shot a fourth or fifth. the second group you can see where it stacks two then tosses one, same with the third. all these loads were 30.5gr varget 105 vld 10jam fed primer.
I will regroup and start from scratch, i just dont know why im tossing one on about all of these groups???? Maybe i need to jump these darn VLD berger bullets. I was really wanting to shoot in this upcoming 600 yard shoot next weekend but i need a solid load before i go, and i dont think i will have time. Anyway sorry to burden you fellas i am just hoping to learn something here. maybe my sightron scope is the problem??? Lee
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yes wind was very calm today. my 30br was shooting dots today 3 groups all measured .040ish im thinking my 36X sightron may be moving? other than that i just dont know what to try next. maybe some 107 sierras??? lee
Skeetlee it sounds like you know what you are doing and you are getting sound advice,so this is more than likely a dumb question. But I had the same problem with my Dasher and it turned out to be inconsistent neck tension. Have you checked all of your brass for neck thickness? Bullet release may be your problem. I hope this will help.
Terry Pohl
T Pohl I thought of that but i just dont think that is it. The brass was new and only fired in this chamber. Seating the bullets felt very consistent. On day one i noticed this pattern. I needed to move the scope back a little for proper eye relief. Day two was much of the same but after shooting i found that the front scope ring was loose, so i figured that was the issue. Today things were a bit better but i can still see the pattern. I am working on a 10thou jam, or what i call a jam. the bullet touches the rifling at 2.385 and i have been seating them at 2.395 thus being 10thou. which is nothing more than settling the bullet in the lands. The rifle acts like it want to shoot here as it has consistently stacked bullet one on top of each other in several of the groups but then it pops one out. This Mcmillan MBR is a new style stock for me and i must admit i dont find them the most comfortable stock to shoot. I wonder if i am the reason the shots are popping out?? I am doing my best but i must admit it could be me. Only other thing i can think of is the scope, but i have shot this scope on other rifles without incident.
In my panic, or rush to find a load for this rifle i havent been as proper as i should have. ( another great learning curve for me) But one thing that is on my mind is as to where i should on powder charges one i regroup. I have shot loads as low as 30gr of varget and today i shot a few loads at 31.2gr of varget without even a hint of pressure problems. So do i start low knowing that i can go much higher? The rifle really looks like it wants to shoot no matter what i do except for those fliers. I did notice and believe that anything more than a .010 jam is to much. The groups with .020 and .030 jam looked the worst. So i am going to start back at the .010 setting and work backwards like what was suggested above. And i guess unless someone suggest something different i will start at 30.3gr of varget?? Again fellas i know i am starting to sound like a broken record but i like situations like this, and i like having you fine folks to talk with about these kinds of situations. I always learn something new when i tackle these types of issues. thanks again and i am open to ridicule or better yet suggestions. Thanks Lee

I am really proud of my new rifle so i thought i would show you fellas one of the reason why i lace up my boots every morning. I had a heavy rifle in mind when i picked out these parts but to much of my surprise it makes 17# but just barely! The action is one of stillers new P-1000. This thing is a tank!! enjoy!


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If you don't like your current stock get a Shehane ST1000.I have several MBR's myself but prefer the flat tracking on the ST1000.

As your working up a load in your 6BR you will reach a powder weight range were all the shots get very consistent.With Varget powder in alot of guns that range is around 30.0-30.5 grains of powder.That doesn't mean it will work in every rifle it is just that alot of rifles are built with similar spec reamers and like that load range or powder window.

From there you can usually pick any 0.1 grain increment and tune the rifle to shoot very well by adjusting the seating depth.If you choose 30.0 grains of powder and find the best seating depth for it then switch to 30.5 grains of powder you will need to re-tweak the seating depth for best accuracy.By looking at your targets I would start further into the lands and work in one direction if it was up to me.
With the 105 Bergers I was shooting earlier today my gun liked them 0.015 back from the full jam which looks rectangular when looking at a bullet and not the square shape you read about here.It also liked them 0.080 back from the full jam length not the just touching length.
Again I would play with the seating depth.
I've been having similar groups with my BRX. I went from 205m to 71/2 to CCIBR-4 primes. Then switched from Varget to RL15. After this I began to notice much better ES/SD. As in single digit ES/SD. I also bought some 105 Lapua scenars. Dropped my neck bushing to .267 from 268 and 269. I got several good groups today. .3-.8 at 200 yards.

I would change just one thing at a time. What weight bullets are you shooting? Using RL15 made the biggest difference for me.
I am new to this site but my 6br was doing the same thing . It would shoot a bug hole then throw a flyer. A gunsmith\shooter told me there was several things that caused flyers: improper ignition,something out of alignment, and bedding. He rebedded and put a sleeve in bolt for firing pin.Just got my gun back and put scope on it tonight hope the problem is solved. Hope this helps for it drove me crazy :)