62gr FB .750


Active member
I recently acquired some 62gr FB 6mm bullets that were made on a .750 jacket from a fella, and these bullets have been absolutely fantastic.
The fella that I got them from doesn't know who made them or even what die they were made on. So needless to say, unless I have George make a die, I will not be getting any more of these.
What I would like to try, is to find someone who can make me a 62gr FB bullet on a .750 jacket. Does anyone know, where I might source something like this? I know stay moly isn't making any .750 jackets, so I realize I might be out of luck. If someone can help get me in the right direction, I would greatly appreciate it. thanks lee
I'm stretching the memory a bit but I am pretty sure Ed Watson made some when he was still with us. You might check with Bart to see if he got the dies.
Nobody makes .750 jackets at this time, so unless you can find someone with a stash they are willing to part with its not happening.. just an interesting side point what twist are you shooting.
the small stash of 62grain bullets that I have acquired are extremely sharp on the corners of the flat base.er I personally haven't seen another FB bullet that is as sharp on the corners as these are.
I am no bullet maker, but a couple of folks that I have shown these bullets to, that make bullets themselves, cant believe how sharp the corners are. One fella said that the jackets must be really thin?? I wouldn't know.

I have shot these bullets in everything from a 13.5 to 14 twist. Twist doesn't seem to matter.
I also realize I don't have to have a bullet made on a .750 jacket but these shot so well, I thought I would like to try and find something else that is similar. I can send you a few George if you want to look them over. I would love to have your opinion. I would also love to know what die these came from. I realize that probably isn't going to happen. Lee
Lee, send me a couple if you will. can probably figure a few things out possibly die maker and jacket weight. still have address right?
62 GR 6mm Bullets

I recently acquired some 62gr FB 6mm bullets that were made on a .750 jacket from a fella, and these bullets have been absolutely fantastic.
The fella that I got them from doesn't know who made them or even what die they were made on. So needless to say, unless I have George make a die, I will not be getting any more of these.
What I would like to try, is to find someone who can make me a 62gr FB bullet on a .750 jacket. Does anyone know, where I might source something like this? I know stay moly isn't making any .750 jackets, so I realize I might be out of luck. If someone can help get me in the right direction, I would greatly appreciate it. thanks lee

Try Knight Bullets. Brady has made these bullets in the past.

Just curious...


I make a 62gr on a .790 jacket.. The core is down at the beginning of the interior flutes... Stable reliable bullet, much like
the Berger column.

I'm curious where the lead line is on your 62's ... Possibly 80% up that .750 point... But Ogive angle and bearing surface will play a part on the lead line...

How far will a strait pin go into the point bef contact lead....???
Also I "may" have a leed on some .750 J4 jackets..?.... I think I may have a tiny stash..


Send me a txt to remind me but I have some of ed's 62 and 65 grain bullets. Loved them. I'll take a look at mine or take a pic and send you to compare.

Im not sure what you mean by fine measuring of ogives. Hell I don't even know what ogive these are. If I had to guess, I would say an 8. Maybe even a 9??? Ill take a pic this evening. I will set these bullets next to some fowlers that I have. Lee
Lee, Its in humor might as well put a bunch of numbers in a hat and pull one out for as close as kevin and you are going to get. I told you if you wanted to know send a couple I will measure on a comperater with on overlay...the way we actually measure ogives...
will do it George. I appreciate that. In the mean time ill try and post a pic. after looking at the bullet again, im going to guess that this is a 7 or 8 ogive, but hell I don't really know. thanks again, Lee


dam computer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! those numbers are supposed to be a picture. Ill keep trying

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