600 IBS at Quantico

Wayne Shaw

Active member
A friend told me IBS is having matches at Quantico this year and sure enough they are on the schedule. The last time I shot at Quantico is when the VA 1K club shot there. So can anyone offer details? Which range, what benches, etc.
Confirmed IBS at Quantico

Sorry for the late notice. This year we are going to be shooting IBS bench rest matches at Quantico VA. Here is the link to our club calendar and you can look ahead and see when the matches will be held. http://quanticoshootingclub.com/calendar2.php

I also attached the match bulletin for the April match.

The benches that will be used are wood.


  • IBS Sanctioned 600 yard Bench Rest.docx
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I made the trip today, they had 7 shooters 5 yesterday. Willy Steve and Rayna did a great job. Steve handled the line and Willy was in the pits. I had a good time, even shot decent considering yesterday all I had was parts. My light gun was in pieces and heavy was scopeless. Glad my range is right down the street, got everything together yesterday and made to sight in 45 mins before they cloaed.

Back to the match, portable benches bring your own stool (which I forgot ) Steve calls the line my opinion did great, it was a scorcher bring a pop up to hind under in between relays. With the heat index it wa 97 on the line. Shot on range 4, my first time there. I have no complaints and Noone else should either I think it went great. They could use some more help and need more shooters. Come on out let's make this work, all the shooters that are within an hour if a few more would show would be great. Beats a 3 or 5 hour trip to a neighboring state to shoot. It is local 600 yards and has some potential. August 29th and 30th are the next dates Come on out!!!!