Have always had a fondness for the 6mm Remington.
In addition to several custom rifles, have owned three 6mm Remington caliber rifles in the Remington 788.
For quite a while, the Rem 788 was one of the few varmint caliber rifles available in left-hand.
Have had very good success on prairie dogs in Wyoming and Montana with the 75 grain Hornady.
Don't know if it will work on prairie dogs in South Dakota.
Have always had a fondness for the 6mm Remington.
In addition to several custom rifles, have owned three 6mm Remington caliber rifles in the Remington 788.
For quite a while, the Rem 788 was one of the few varmint caliber rifles available in left-hand.
Have had very good success on prairie dogs in Wyoming and Montana with the 75 grain Hornady.
Don't know if it will work on prairie dogs in South Dakota.