Have any of yall ever tested the BR vs PPC in a rail? If so, what did you see? PPC still consistently easily out-aggs the BR?
Also, considering that a railgun, it seems to me atleast, isolates things down as close as possible to where the barrel and load are the main contributing factors to precision, does action choice still affect agg/group ability?
Last, is the barrel quality any more/less important than a bag gun? Ie can/will a so-so barrel on a bag gun make a better showing bolted into a rail? Is it easier/harder to find good barrels with a rail setup?
Also, considering that a railgun, it seems to me atleast, isolates things down as close as possible to where the barrel and load are the main contributing factors to precision, does action choice still affect agg/group ability?
Last, is the barrel quality any more/less important than a bag gun? Ie can/will a so-so barrel on a bag gun make a better showing bolted into a rail? Is it easier/harder to find good barrels with a rail setup?