6.5X47 Lapua / Hunting Round

My Grandson and I just got back from a hunt and we both got our bucks within 10 minutes of each other. He has a 30BR with 118 Bibs. He neck shot his at 210 yds. It was a 9 point with 14" inside spread and weighed 155 pounds. Mine was a heart shot at 200 yds and he went no where with the 130TSX. It was a nice 9 point with 17" inside spread, 6" brow tines and the first tines were 10.5". He weighed 188 pounds.
I wanted to do a 6X47L for Josh's rifle, but he said he would shoot me if I took the 30BR barrel off of it.
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'ATTA BOY, Josh!

My Grandson and I just got back from a hunt and we both got our bucks within 10 minutes of each other. He has a 30BR with 118 Bibs. He neck shot his at 210 yds. It was a 9 point with 14" inside spread and weighed 155 pounds. Mine was a heart shot at 200 yds and he went no where with the 130TSX. It was a nice 9 point with 17" inside spread, 6" brow tines and the first tines were 10.5". He weighed 188 pounds.
I wanted to do a 6X47L for Josh's rifle, but he said he would shoot me if I took the 30BR barrel off of it.

Ya don't want to give-in to Gramps too easily! :eek::D Congratulations, Butch. What a GREAT deer hunt-your having so much in common with your grandson makes me jealous! ;) It appears that Josh knows where the X is located ! :) RG
My Grandson and I just got back from a hunt and we both got our bucks within 10 minutes of each other. He has a 30BR with 118 Bibs. He neck shot his at 210 yds. It was a 9 point with 14" inside spread and weighed 155 pounds. Mine was a heart shot at 200 yds and he went no where with the 130TSX. It was a nice 9 point with 17" inside spread, 6" brow tines and the first tines were 10.5". He weighed 188 pounds.
I wanted to do a 6X47L for Josh's rifle, but he said he would shoot me if I took the 30BR barrel off of it.

That is fantastic, Butch. Did you take a camera with you? Do you have any pictures to share?
Picture from Butch

Nov. 28, 2008 - Josh with his and Papaw's deer
