With a little work you could easily make either 6.5L,6-6.5L or the 6.5Creedmoore,6.5 IHMSA with a 308 base case or 250,300 Savage case.In the case of the 308 it's almost half the price of 6.5 L brass .53 vs 1.00 per peice. As far as FACTORY loaded Compitition ammo is concerned ,I can't believe that a manufacturer would believe that they could possibley make a round that would on any given day be consistant enough to win with such a huge variance of equipment.The 6.5 Creedmoore is a good basic round but leading the public to believe that it's a factory compitition round is unsound it's value lies in being a componant to a compitition round,as is the 6.5 Lapua case.... On a side note, I see both the Lapua/Creedmoore designs being heavily pushed for DOD uses as spec.ops,designated marksman rifles on the AR-10 platform