.54 Cal Muzzleloader Repair Suggestions



Edit: removing the last of the tape from the front stock, while examining how the barrel attached, it came lose. It appears the very sticky glue from the tape was holding it in place. I feared/thought it had been epoxied some how (indeed it sorta was). So, I now have the barrel nicely removed.

This is my 1st post. I'm seeking to restore/save my Dad's .54 caliber Thompson Center Arms muzzleloader. It has great sentimental value to me. I was with him when he took down some big game with it. A family member stored it very badly and it got wet/rusted over the years (when I removed one of the scope-mount screws, water poured out).

-Should I attempt to try and do anything about pitting from rust (I've read about barrel-bores that remove metal in shotgun barrels that are pitted).

I have used Evapo Rust in the past to salvage tools and have read it is good on gun metal rust. I plan to use it to get rid of/prevent rust. I have read Tru Oil is the best way to redo the gun stock.

Thx much in advance.





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You can use steel wool and Kroil to remove some rust from the bore. Not much you can do about pits in the bore short of reboreing/rifleing or relining. I would clean it good and see if it groups. This you can do before investing time refinishing. Tru-oil will be fine, though I like Permlyn a little better.
You might also check with T/C to see what they can do on a refinish of the whole gun.
You can get a new standard stock 54 Cal barrel from the TC custom shop.

I just did that to fix a similar problem.

Rest of the rifle is not so difficult to clean up and restore.
Re-boring barrel likely cost as much as a replacement from TC if available. If it is rusted as bad as it looks likely never get the breech plug out either. Flame wrench might help with that though. Once you get the breech plug out the barrel becomes a hollow tube so you can do straight line passes all the way through.