50m WRABF Official targets?

So did Doug make these targets or didn't he ? If anyone did a minor change or watermark would mean nothing and so the story goes. Maybe Doug will chime in on this. Make sense ?

Maybe Doug will chime in, but I can tell you a minor change or a watermark doesn't make it yours - it has to be a substantial change - and not just from 11x17 to A3 (trust me, I checked)

Maybe Doug will chime in, but I can tell you a minor change or a watermark doesn't make it yours - it has to be a substantial change - and not just from 11x17 to A3 (trust me, I checked)


Doug , will chime in.We talked a bit ago and he has a different version of events
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Wow, this is going to get interesting!! I just looked at some of those past emails!! An lively debate.

Info Brian - the UKBR22 is not a company - read your constitution - I was also working with a few organisations at the time like the ERABSF and newly forming WRABF.

The only time a company owns a design is if it is done in their time or contractually.

By the way - your bipm targets - still oval like a lot of those PDFs out there that were from friends of friends of friends. It does not take much to check. I would print directly rather than photocopy them as the later will attenuate the oval. Or go back to the original!!!! Good night :)
Dwight send me your mailing address and I will send you some IR 50/50 targets

I can't find a source to buy this target.

Neither, can I find the exact size of this target and it's individual scoring rings.

I have copied Garrett's Orin prototype PDF. However, I need to measure it to be certain the copy scale is correct.

Even if my copy is accurate, it's quality is not the best.
I really want to purchase the Official Target to take to the Print Shop.

I will send a self addressed envelope, with postage, and any compensation that is required, to anyone who will go to the trouble to send me a couple of targets.

I will include a small Thank-you, surprise, mystery, bonus in the envelope, package that I send to ywou.

Email - dwight@mcallis.com

Thanks a lot,


If you want targets that are the same size as the World target and what we used at the North East Region
50 yard shoot? We used the official IR 50/50 targets. I can sent you some no charge!
I did come across a 50 yd World Target I picked up at the 2011 Worlds in S.C.

Send me your mailing address and I will send a care package.


This post is getting to deep for me.
I can't find a source to buy this target.

Neither, can I find the exact size of this target and it's individual scoring rings.

I have copied Garrett's Orin prototype PDF. However, I need to measure it to be certain the copy scale is correct.

Even if my copy is accurate, it's quality is not the best.
I really want to purchase the Official Target to take to the Print Shop.

I will send a self addressed envelope, with postage, and any compensation that is required, to anyone who will go to the trouble to send me a couple of targets.

I will include a small Thank-you, surprise, mystery, bonus in the envelope, package that I send to you.

Email - dwight@mcallis.com

Thanks a lot,

I designed the 50 Yds/Mtr Rimfire World Target!
I had input from Carl in the UK but the original design was mine.
If you would like a copy please email me I will send you one that you can have printed out at any good print shop that does 11x17 or A3.
If you want exact sizing I can email that to you also!

(Carl & Bill have a short memory problem)
I designed the 50 Yds/Mtr Rimfire World Target!
I had input from Carl in the UK but the original design was mine.
If you would like a copy please email me I will send you one that you can have printed out at any good print shop that does 11x17 or A3.
If you want exact sizing I can email that to you also!

(Carl & Bill have a short memory problem)

QED Brian!
I designed the 50 Yds/Mtr Rimfire World Target!
I had input from Carl in the UK but the original design was mine.
If you would like a copy please email me I will send you one that you can have printed out at any good print shop that does 11x17 or A3.
If you want exact sizing I can email that to you also!

(Carl & Bill have a short memory problem)

Doug I am not here to embrass you, but you do have a short memory and your need to check you email log as I am sure you still have access to it. I re- learnt a lot by going back to those logs including how we gave these designs to the ERABSF/ newly forming WRABF as we wanted them to adopt the design.

Now you have contributed a lot to this sport over the years Doug, including the scoring programs used by a lot of countries.

However, I looked further back at our conversations about the target and what I sent you and you sent me. How we came up with sizes (guessed as in your words no one truly knew the IR50/50 sizes) and your contribution not only made things easier by supplying information, but helped a great deal. As I drafted all of this and designed the layout of the current target and you checked accuracy on CAD, then Ken tested accuracy optically on the prints, I think your statement is, well let's say over zealous. A bit demeaning to myself and Ken who worked for 4/5 months developing this target.


I can add more screenshots of our conversation and files sent if you wish. Remember our pre defining goal was to have a world target, something Europe and those using the ukbr22 target could use and get people shooting on an accurately constructed target.

The one thing, if you did all of this is how did you overcome the issue of lead when files were formatted to PDF.

All of our conversations are still available as as the references to these targets being submitted to the ERABSF/ WRABF for them to use - Mr Harrison was part of that group so he knows all about it.