50m WRABF Official targets?


Dwight C

I can't find a source to buy this target.

Neither, can I find the exact size of this target and it's individual scoring rings.

I have copied Garrett's Orin prototype PDF. However, I need to measure it to be certain the copy scale is correct.

Even if my copy is accurate, it's quality is not the best.
I really want to purchase the Official Target to take to the Print Shop.

I will send a self addressed envelope, with postage, and any compensation that is required, to anyone who will go to the trouble to send me a couple of targets.

I will include a small Thank-you, surprise, mystery, bonus in the envelope, package that I send to you.

Email - dwight@mcallis.com

Thanks a lot,
Good try again Brian, your postal has nothing to do with the official WRABF or it's targets, though the sizes may be the same just to be 100% clear.

Dwight info is here www.wrabf.com they are available through member bodies talk to Craig Young who is the USA delegate again found through the About Us Page on the official site via emails at the bottom.
Good try again Brian, your postal has nothing to do with the official WRABF or it's targets, though the sizes may be the same just to be 100% clear.

Give it a rest Bill, the sizes on the BIPM website are correct for the BIPM/World Target as I stated.

The WRABF target was created by the UKBR22 and Doug Weeter (mostly Doug Weeter) and made freely available to the World.

We (the UKBR22) nor Doug Weeter took a patent out on it.

Sir Brian, The original post requested how do get Official WRABF Targets, if you don't understand that I can't help you.
Neither, can I find the exact size of this target and it's individual scoring rings.

As I say Bill, give it a rest, or point the poster to the target ring sizes shown on the WRABF website.

Give it a rest Bill, the sizes on the BIPM website are correct for the BIPM/World Target as I stated.

The WRABF target was created by the UKBR22 and Doug Weeter (mostly Doug Weeter) and made freely available to the World.

We (the UKBR22) nor Doug Weeter took a patent out on it.


Brian there you go again talking rubbish, but it's not your usual rubbish which I tend to ignore.
The three people that took part in development and physical testing of the 50m WRABF/ ERABSF target were myself, Doug and Ken - as you well know. I designed it (and if you can tell me the original program I will give you a biscuit as a prize), Doug tested and confirmed it, to match US approval regarding postal matches and Ken physically tested it optically. It was sent out to test in many countries until the final design was decided. Then the UKBR22 was asked to adopt the target - I just re - read the conversations I had with Rob at the time.

I still have the email notes regarding the design and copies of the industrial copyright on behalf of the ERABSF AND WRABF.
It was and still is a world target for those institutions.

Ken and I happened to be UKBR22 members, so don't come the high and mighty that it was the UKBR22 as any form of ownership was only provided to that association as it was then a member of the WRABF. Ken and I just did the work.

So please, give us the good grace to pull you neck in as you had absolutely nothing to do with it. You can try to rewrite history Brian, but I will always, always pull you up for it.

By the way I would check the targets you have for download on your website - some of the rings are oval and not round. It is what happens when you reformatt a PDF file and do not have the original CAD files - the PDF distorts the vectors!!!!!
Here is a V.1 by Doug

Hope this helps


  • World-Target-Ver1.pdf
    113.3 KB · Views: 371

Hi Carl,

Good to hear from you - Bill been on the phone?

I would suggest you take it up with Doug Weeter

Email 19th March 2013

Attached are what I sent Carl in May of 2007. (these files are I did 5/8/2007)
After discussing the 6mm 10 ring with other world shooters it was decided to
go with a target based on the IR 50/50 size - 1/4 inch spacing.
I worked on my design for a World target in 2008 thru Feb 2009. The concept
from the beginning was that my World Target could be printed on a standard
A3 or 11" x 17" format that would be available anywhere in the world. This
Target was meant to be free for any and all to print, use or even change to
suit their local needs!
If push comes to shove I have a few of the original Cad drawings that I sent
to Carl over the years for him to play with.

As I said, the UKBR22 (through yourself) and Doug made it free to the world, we didn’t feel the need to patent it for our own ends: http://isdv.upv.cz/portal/pls/portal/portlets.vzs.det?xprim=1403948&lan=en

(still takes forever to download)

ps. the BIPM targets was taken from Dougs original drawings, not yours and are correct dimensionally.
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Yep that would be Doug's version one of the world target on 17"x11" paper - published on 14/02/2009
As I said, the UKBR22 (through yourself) and Doug made it free to the world,

You are laughable Brian. The UKBR22 had nothing to do with it. In fact is the then chairman had to be convinced to change as both the 50m and 25m targets were smaller.
I forgot to add - senile me - good you have new targets Brian. I will check the diagrams for you and if the watermark I left on the cad file is still there.
So did Doug make these targets or didn't he ? If anyone did a minor change or watermark would mean nothing and so the story goes. Maybe Doug will chime in on this. Make sense ?

So you work for Boeing, you design a new aircraft - and it’s yours????? Think Boeing may have something to say about that.

You did the work on behalf of the UKKBR22, an organisation, at the time you were a member of.

We (along with Doug) made it free to the World, you put a patent on it in the Czech Republic.

End of story.
