50/50 Indoor Yards Results

Partial Results Continued

42 total 250's s
3 Target Grand Agg
1st Bob Barnhart 750 60X's
2nd Dan Killough 750 54X's
3rd Don Stith 750 54X's
4th Bill Pippin 749 63X's
All 4 are potential world records.

Shoot Meters at 9:00 am tomorrow.

Bill Hinegardner asked me to post this due to him having computer problems.
3 Gun Meters Results

1st Dennis Drake 750 53X
2nd Tony Harper 748 55X
3rd Denny Antonious 748 49X

6 Gun Yards/Meters

1st Tony Harper 1497 110X
2nd Dennis Drake 1497 104X
3rd Wendal Dean 1497 97X
4th Don Stith 1497 96X
5th Bill Pippen 1496 111X

All of these are potential world records!

Complete results will be posted ASAP.

Thanks to all that attended, it was a great match.

More Results for Piney Hill

Thanks Tony, I borrowed a computer so I am back in business...

UL-1 results
1. Dennis Drake 250-21
2. Gary Hittie 250-18
3 Bill Myers 250-18

1. Tony Harper 250-21
2. Harry Deneen 250-20
3. Sam Saunders 250-17

1. Harry Deneen 250-22
2. Stanley Clark 250-18
3. Clyde Pangle 250-17

Thanks for the wonderful support from all the shooters. We will have full match results to Wilbur after installing new software. Should have it within a couple days. Thanks for your patience!

Congratulations Tony, You beat alot of great shooters.
Congratulations to Bob Barnhart for the yards win, and to Dennis Drake for the meters win, both shooting 750 aggs, that's getting it done!)and to Tony Harper for the 6-gun title. That was some great shooting by all of you guys! Great shooting by a lot of folks! Evidently you have some pretty good ammo and I'd say those rifles were pretty much in tune too:) Congrats to all the winners.
Anyway to post who competed in all events? Just wondering if some folks competed one day and not the next. It seems possible with the yards vs. meters that the field for the 6 gun isn't apples to apples.

Thanks for all the great comments but the real winner was Tony Harper who is a great sport and competitor. The same goes for all the other winners. Thanks to Bill Hinegardner for putting on a great shoot.

Also, thanks to Greg Davis for letting me using his turbo Calfee gun.
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congrads Tony,You shot very well all weekend,and congrads to dennis for a great win at meters.It was a horse race going into target #6 where 5 to 6 shooters had a chance, Tony, you are the man! Bob barnhart.
Congrats Tony on the 6 gun and Bob Barnhart for the 3 gun.
Bob you still wanting to sell that old worn out 40x? I think you better just keep it guns like that just dont come around everyday! Jerry