5-group versus 8-group unlimited in NBRSA Nationals?

Joe Krupa

I just got my NBRSA News and noticed that our Eastern-region Director Hobie Bond proposed a change in the unlimited format to be shot at the NBRSA Nationals. I'm not sure what the motivation was to make this proposal, but it is out there and the members are being asked to consider the change.

The propsal was to change to current eight-group per day at 100- and 200-yards to five groups and a "warm-up" match per day (six total per day).

The motion was tabled until the 2008 Board meeting to take place at Pheonix in October. The Directors were instructed to contact their Regional membership and then re-submit the item at the 2008 meeting.

I was just wondering what other shooters thought about this proposal?
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There have been arguments both ways as how to increase the participation in Nationals Heavy Bench/Unlimited.

Folks who own rail guns like the long run of 8 10-shot targets per yardage in the NBRSA and the 6 10-shot targets in the IBS, while the non-rail gun shooters feel strongly that they don't stand a ghost of a chance so they stay home till the Varmint/Sporter classes start.

There is not an easy solution to that argument as I see it. Would reducing the number of 10-shot targets help participation, probably, since there are many more bag gun shooters than there are rail gun shooters. But reducing the number of targets cuts into the tradition of what the HB/UL has been for years is not good either. Like I said, 'tain't an easy answer.

Me? I feel strongly both ways and that is the truth. Require the rail gun shooters to shoot 2 more targets???
Require the rail gun shooters to shoot 2 more targets???

Surely not :eek:, rotating benches with a rail gun for 8 matches per day is bad enough. Going to 10 matches would be worse. Picking them up and moving them every group is the killer even with a good cart, not the number of shots in the group. Personally, I'd hate to see the 10 shot group format changed to 5 shots. But, then again I don't see it from the same perspective as a bag gun shooter who doesn't shoot a rail. If they have to change it, I'd rather see it dropped back to 5 - 10 shot groups or 5 - 10 shot groups with a warmup rather than going to 5 shot groups.
I think they should leave well enough alone.Just my opinion.Ken rossing
while we are a changin

I say leave UnLimited just the way it is (5-10"s-Regionals--8-10's-Nationals) but change the Heavy Varmint to 8-5's at the Nationals....the last two days are always done at noon....((ooo I know the meeting has to take place..but let the shooters shoot and the politicians schmoozz all evening if they want))...and the HV shuld be re-structured to allow any contour bbl (bull 1.250 etc. ) any stock ...straight butt section..no drop and up to 17 lb. weight with muzzle breaks or tuners....then we would see lots of experimental rigs and things that over time could be pared down and see its use even on the SPorters/LV.....Roger
if we're tweaking rails at the Nationals....

I'd rather see the rail guns shot at the end of the week instead of the start in any format, but I'm not holding my breath on that one.
Surely not :eek:, rotating benches with a rail gun for 8 matches per day is bad enough. Going to 10 matches would be worse. Picking them up and moving them every group is the killer even with a good cart, not the number of shots in the group. .

Mike, I should stated that "unreasonable" idea as to having bag gun shooters shoot 2 less targets than the rail gunners. Notice I said unreasonable idea, unreasonable because that idea wouldn't fly anyway...its not the greatest idea just a lead in to what could be a reasonable solution.

I still think a better way to waste our rule changing time would be to do something about the Sporter class redundancy.

As you can probably guess it is a rainy, cold, gloomy day here in the Poverty Stricken Appalachian Mountains...as your Texas buddy Lyndon Banes Johnson defined us.

Rain, 41 F, wind 7 with gusts to 31.
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I have personally taken a poll of shooters after about 6 or so nationals right after the end of the second day on the unlimited shooting. At all those shoots after I asked the question on a change to omit the 8 matches and change to less, it was overwhelming on the plus side to change the format. After several months passed I was able to ask some of those same shooters the question again and the answer was just the oppsite, they could not do without the 8 matches. So it seems due to old age and lack of memory, or just wanting to complain at the time when shooting the 8 matches on how much work it is. Sometimes change is good, you can always go back to what it was. The problem is the older we get the more we get into a pattern and change seems to be out the comfort zone for most.
I like the idea of going to 10 5-shot groups. The 5-shot format will allow the bag guns a fair chance, thereby encouraging their participation and the 10 groups will be challenging enough to stay in tune and focused for the entire day. 50 record shots instead of 80 record shots is also appealing as we will burn up less of a good barrel shooting the agg.

Lawrence Weisdorn
As far as dragging the rail gun around to so many benches goes, do what Neilsen and Murdica did last year. Because the Young and Powell bases and tops are interchangeable, we put down 5 bases, 1 on each bench and left them there. You rotated with your top only. As you come to the next bench, drop your top on the base adjust your windage and height a little bit and voila you are ready to shoot.
I agree with the po mountain man, Iffin you wanna change something, Start with the sporter and don't mess with the Unlimited.

As an avid Rail Gun Shooter, I say leave it alone. Unlimited is tough. It is meant to be.
But then, even though I turned 59 years Feb 5, I can still handle the rigors of moving the Rail after every rotation.
Have this same discussion 5 years from now, and I might have a different opinion.........jackie
What's that song...

' Leave it be----' Jackie I am more than 10 years your senior. I hate to admit that, BUT..." LEAVE IT BE". I am with you Don't mess with it it. My gun is probably as heavy or heavier than others, but I love to shoot it. The format as present is ideal to me. If there were more daylight hours I would vote for 10 - 10 shot matches. Hope to see everyone at the cactus. Joe
I agree with what Libby says. Everyone who shoots it bitches and moans, then 6 mths later its the holy grail and cannot be touched. S### can it.
Leave it alone

Changing it to 5 groups so as to get more bag guns involved is a red herring. A bag gun still won't compete with a good rail. How has it worked out for the IBS? I didn't see lots of bag guns being competitive or competing in the UL class at St Louis last year.
You are not completly correct on bag guns not being competitive, it depends on the range condition, as turning the rail knobs is not the best thing to do and with a bag gun you can find point of aim and shoot and back to orginal point of aim sometimes quicker than a rail especially in switchy conditions. I finished 10th at one of the Nationals which is very competitive for that shoot.