40X Test


hg shelton

A coulple of the guys wanted me to let them know how my new rifle shot, well my new Gene Davis 40X is a keeper, thank you Gene!!!!!!!! I put 250 rounds through it this mourning, first 200 rounds were ammo that sells for under six bucks a box and it shot pretty darn good, I won't say the brand cause most of you guys don't like to hear this brand mentioned, heh,heh. The last 50 rounds were Eley Club, and shot at one card in a little game of chase with a Messer built Hall with a Hart barrel that shoots really good. When the wind was calm they hole for hole, when the wind would pick up there was no I mean no comparison!!!!!! There will be no 26 dollar a box ammo shot in this rifle, don't need it, If the next few tests go as this one did I guess my old trusty Turbo will be put out to pasture

Glad to hear the rifle is doing well. There's just something about those 40X's that I like, they work. That must be it?

Glad to hear it,i also love to hear about great shooting 40X's! Mine is a Hongisto and i could not be more happy with my choice! It would be nice to have one from each great smith but........
Thanks Colt 45, Butch is a good one, he's doing a Anshutz for a friend of mine as we speak.

It will be a good one then HG. I spent an entire day in his shop with him when i got my 40x from him and it was a ball just to talk with him and watch him work. A really terrific guy and i'm happy to call him Friend !
I just bought a Lilja tightbore 1-16 twist 3 groove blank to go on my 40x. I'm trying to decide on a smith to do the work, I'm going with who ever can do it the fastest seeing that it's my only rimfire BR rifle.
Gary I shot Genes personal annie 54 tonight and all I can say is the 40x master can make a annie shoot also!!! It shot me a 2300 and a 2150 Genes got the touch. 1BAMA Gene isnt taking orders but there is a gunsmith In Racine Ohio by the name of Todd Taylor he built Darin Roushes 40x that just won the Rba barn match his number is 740-416-5690 he would be my pick.JLG
Thanks JLG, I'll give him a call, right now I'm thinking about Accu-Shot, Randy Leger does some fine work.

1bama, Randy dose do good work, but for a 40X I believe I would send it to them Ohio boys. I've shot one of todd's 40'X, man that rifle is a shooter too.
Gary I shot Genes personal annie 54 tonight and all I can say is the 40x master can make a annie shoot also!!! It shot me a 2300 and a 2150 Genes got the touch. 1BAMA Gene isnt taking orders but there is a gunsmith In Racine Ohio by the name of Todd Taylor he built Darin Roushes 40x that just won the Rba barn match his number is 740-416-5690 he would be my pick.JLG

Jerry, did you take Gene's money last night? I was talking with him on the phone while he was sitting at the bench getting ready to shoot.....


When the wind was calm they hole for hole, when the wind would pick up there was no I mean no comparison!!!!!!



Please explain what you mean by "No Comparison". I take this to mean your new 40X shot much better than the other rifle with the wind blowing. If that is your meaning, could you please provide details on how you came to that conclusion? Testing procedure etc.

Please don't misunderstand my motives for asking. I'm not being critical. I just want to understand. It has been discussed on this and other forums that some rifles shot better in the wind than others. What barrel are you using, twist rate, contour, etc? Was both rifles shooting the same ammo brand/lot?

Thanks for any info you can provide.
Keith, we shot a 50/50 target at 50 yards useing the same ammo, shooting at the bull and not holding off for any condition. I would shoot and as soon as I shot Greg would shoot. When the wind would drop to nothing we would shootthe same hole if not the same theywould be real close. I could shoot a X and greg would have a close ten or nine if I shot a nine he would have a eight, one was seven. With a slight breeze I could still get X's. I lost three points, Greg lost thirteen. I wish I had the capibilaty to post a picture of the target so you could see it for yourself. I have a four groove sixteen twist tight bore Lilja, this barrel is copied after the barrel that Mr. Calfee talked about here on this forum a few months back that suposed to shoot real well in the wind. If Mr, Calfee reads this post mabey he can tell you more about it. Greg's rifle has a Hart barrel I think it is a three groove (not positive) sixteen twist. I had twelve X's and greg had four X's. I hope this explains it to you better.


Thanks for the reply.
That is exactly the test I had hoped you had done. Was that a reverse taper barrel with tuner?
No Keith, it's not reverse taper, it's one inch first three inch's then it go's down to .850 with Harrel's tuner.
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That is great news. I have a tight bore Lilja on order, hope it shoots like yours.:D
Jerry, did you take Gene's money last night? I was talking with him on the phone while he was sitting at the bench getting ready to shoot.....


Gary I won some but so did Gene Im not going to say who won more or he wont lend me his gun anymore;)
Jerry, that's a sure bet to get beat, let your buddy shoot your rifle..........