4000 round ammo test

Means nothing to me. Not a BR rifle, bench set-up? Cleaning regimine? I'm sure it was a fun waste of ammo for him.
Bill B, does your thoughts parallel those of the other rimfire shooters? If that is the case the rest of us should get rid of our rimfires as they have no other use than to shoot BR.
They are now going to run the tests with various other rimfire rifles. Saeed has a climate controlled 100yd. tunnel with a large reloading room. Go to the home page of the forum and you will see the setup.
Bill B, tell Melvin hello as I haven't visited with him in a while.
Unlimited funds

Him being in the UAE, implies, his funds are unlimited. That Bleiker alone, is around $5K US. There's a supplier in Hancock, TX, that sells them.

It may mean something to someone, just not me, playing the game that we talk about here. I think most of us here have a pretty good idea of what is working (ammo-wise) for us. My 50 yard groups are quite a bit better with my Eley Black Box then what Saeed was getting. I don't know what is wrong with his rifle, set-up, etc. but if he thinks he has eliminated all the variables except for ammo - he hasn't. That's why his exercise means nothing to me.

I may see Melvin tomorrow as I'm going to visit Gordon.
Bill B, Tell Gordon hello also. I think Saeed will find out that the ammo will work differently in the other rifles that he tests the same way.His tests were for the interest of the folks on his forum. I thought some on this forum might find an interest in it. I would imagine that with a Pappas rest and the rifle set up for it, you might see some really nice groups. As you can see it is not set up to be shot off the bench. I'm not so sure that it would not be competitive with your BR rimfire rifle with the proper BR stock and rest.
Fred, Saeed does make a little more money than I, but I don't hold that against him.
Bill B, Tell Gordon hello also. I think Saeed will find out that the ammo will work differently in the other rifles that he tests the same way.His tests were for the interest of the folks on his forum. I thought some on this forum might find an interest in it. I would imagine that with a Pappas rest and the rifle set up for it, you might see some really nice groups. As you can see it is not set up to be shot off the bench. I'm not so sure that it would not be competitive with your BR rimfire rifle with the proper BR stock and rest.
Fred, Saeed does make a little more money than I, but I don't hold that against him.

Butch the 100 yard enclosed test tunnel is fine! Someone over there is building a 1/4 mile drag strip, fully enclosed and air conditioned - now that's a test tunnel!
Could it be that Saeed is testing the Rifle NOT the ammo. just to show what a 5K rifle does or not. That is the impression I had :eek:
4000 shot test results

Thanks for the information presented Butch and Saeed. I find any and all information useful and utilize it like a piece of a puzzle and will help me improve my own results.
Saeed, you have a beautiful set-up and I'll be check out your website as it is quite unique from other firearms websites I've viewed so far.
thanks again,

I have returned from shooting after and 25 years hiatus. I've tested recently every top and second grade ammo there is avalible on the market. I think I have come up with the same coclusions as yourself, 22lr is a fickle caliber to predict. I'm shooting a 54.18 Anshutz as well as a Womack full custom, 52 Winchester, both have proven very fine 5 shot groups at 50 and a 100 yards. I'm very appreciative of the time and effort you spent to give us the results of a Bleiker rifle shot with a two piece rest. I'm sorry that some benchrest shooters have not taken the hard fought information that you have obtained and not untilized it to their advantage. After all, we are are in pursuit of .000 groups
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I have returned from shooting after and 25 years hiatus. I've tested recently every top and second grade ammo there is avalible on the market. I think I have come up with the same coclusions as yourself, 22lr is a fickle caliber to predict. I'm shooting a 54.18 Anshutz as well as a Womack full custom, 52 Winchester, both have proven very fine 5 shot groups at 50 and a 100 yards. I'm very appreciative of the time and effort you spent to give us the results of a Bleiker rifle shot with a two piece rest. I'm sorry that some benchrest shooters have not taken the hard fought information that you have obtained and not untilized it to their advantage. After all, we are are in pursuit of .000 groups

What was the information that we br shooters are not using? The Info he posted on ammo ONLY applies to THAT rifle.
I think he had a good method for testing for the best ammo in that rifle. I would take an average of the groups of each type of ammo tested and use that for comparison. Then I would test the best three or four again. After that he might try testing different lots of the same ammo.

Some time could be saved by not testing the stuff that is not in the target ammo class.

Another thing this shows me is that he is in the market for a Pappas rest.:)

Concho Bill
saeed 4000 round test.

J. Pappas,
There are alot more kinds of benchrest shooting than the unlimited 22lr class which you are focused on. There must be thousands of CZ and Savage 22 rifles owners out there that are happy to know that their rifle and ammo set up can on occasion match the performance of a Olympic quality Bleiker rifle shot in a 100 yard wind tunnel. To most shooters benchrest shooting is just a way to sight your rifle in before hunting or testing loads before a different shooting dicipline match like silhouette etc.etc... To and for those shooters Saeeds test was very interesting and informative. I can't wait to see what he tests next.
p.s. I want to emphasize that all perspectives and opinions are valid to me. The knowledge gained from anyone or anything are like pieces of a puzzle that I hope to be able to use sometime for my own or someones benefit.
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what did I learn

just off the top of my head. His best group at 100 yards indoors was .307 inch. That gives me a benchmark which I hope to best very shortly, .....outdoors. Imagine that, a 40-50 year old Winchester 52 besting one of the finest olympic rifles made today.
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saeeds 4000 round test

Bill B,
You're probably right. Saeed shooting a olympic standing rifle is not comparable to shooting and" benchrest only rifle". And who knows what kind of technique he has, he seems to be a big game hunter that shoots fairly well. But for a big game hunter that shoots fairly well he did pretty good shooting in the zeroes two times. For me that is the benchmark of a expert rifleman. And using a two piece rest makes it all the more impressive.