3X9 and accuracy

Quality low power optics properly adjusted for parralax will outshoot cheapo scopes with high power possibilities that cannot be properly parralax adjusted and still remain in focus. Not even considering thier other foibles.

For the most part Varmintguys assertions are correct. Its a given, theres no other possibility. As long as you consider quality of the optics and the shooters knowledge or lack of parralax.

Quality of the optics does comes into play and the shooters understanding of using the scope also.

If a huntin rifle is shooting 1.5 moa with a Leupold 3x9 bolting on a BSA 8x32 will not help.
If your rifle is capable of shooting .250 moa with a Leupold 3x9 then bolting on a Nightforce 12 x 42 will help you steer it better. It should help you get to .2 moa or better.
Its really that simple.
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DougKennedy: "I" know THE answer!
I have proven this answer to myself many many times in the past 5 decades of shooting from the bench!
I "WANT" the few "contraries" here about's to have to come to the realization that they have no basis what so ever for their misguided opinions!
Now, this next I can not take full credit for, but I was conversing via I-mail with a "lurker" here regarding this subject!
And as we were laughing about the bizzarre notions a few folks here have, he came up with this natural progression of what the "contraries" are contending!
One of his I-mails contained this humorous and yet VERY illustrative observation.
He wanted me to pose this corollary to the contraries and I will do so here if I can keep from laughing til I can't type any more!
"IF", increasing the scope power on a particular Rifle DOES NOT allow for and enhance its ability to shoot more accurately (better groups!) then the opposite must be true!
Then, according to the "contraries" it would enhance the accuracy of said Rifle to use even LESS scope power on a Rifle!
In other words in order for the BR types to achieve the maximum in accuracy from their Rifles they should all use scopes of 1 (one!) power!
The ridiculousness of that natural progression (degression?) in attaining the utmost in accuracy in the minds of the "contraries" is cleverly pointed out in my I-mailing lurker friends example - is it not?
Again I am amused to the max over the strange thinking and inability of some here to understand the blazingly simple and obvious advantages of more scope power aiding in achieving the utmost in accuracy or better accuracy than can be had with lesser powered scopes!
Personally I would be embarassed to ask the serious minded and intense of endeavour type folks over on the straight BR portion of this forum this question - and again its a question I already know the answer to!
Hold into the wind

VarmintGuy, You win,