I 've read somewhere that if you're shooting a 30BR 1-18 twist barrel with a throat angle of 1 degree 30 [1.5 degrees] and Zero freebore, that a bullet with a 10 ogive is best.
And, if you're shooting a barrel with a throat angle of 1 degree 45 [1.75 degrees] and Zero freebore, that you're better off with 7 ogive bullets.
Is this the correct criteria for making bullet ogive selection for the 30BR?
Thanks for your response. Art
And, if you're shooting a barrel with a throat angle of 1 degree 45 [1.75 degrees] and Zero freebore, that you're better off with 7 ogive bullets.
Is this the correct criteria for making bullet ogive selection for the 30BR?
Thanks for your response. Art