30BR and Tuners



SO.........How bad did those 30BR's whip up on everyone at the SuperShoot this year?
How about tuners? Did they have the tradional barrel guys crying for mercy?
I think Gene Bukys did very well with his tuner, second in the 2 gun. I don't know about the 30BRs as I haven't seen an equipment list. MarkR, sounds like you know the folks that did good with both or do you really have a clue?
I think...that I just saw the comment for what it was... a shot at the 30 BR and Tuner people! I really wasn't LMAO, just a little giggle! I shot at the Chippewa (not very well at that) and didn't see a 30 BR, that doesn't mean that there wasn't one, did see a few tuners though. 6PPC took everything there.
C'mon man...let up a little... ;-)
this must be from a group shooter

hey, take it easy on the 30BR. It may not be the greatest at group shooting, but feel free to bring your 6ppc to a score shoot some time and see what you think of the 30 after. ;)
If it's not the greatest at group...then maybe the advantage isn't all it's cracked up to be... :< 0
A 30BR with a tuner shot small group at both 100 and 200 at River Bend's last match.
A 6mm is DISADVANTAGE in score. It's as simple as that. The 30's will agg close to if not as well as the 6's and make a bigger hole. That's been pretty well established already. As far as tuners go, I'm convinced that they work. I don't shoot registered group but have seen some well tuned and well steered 6's get their plows cleaned by various 30caliber cartridges in score matches. When there are as many 30's on the line as 6's in group competition is when this debate will be settled.They both have advantantages and disadvantages to one another.JMHO----Mike Ezell
I had 4 shots go into .194" out of my 30 just this past weekend. I know your thinking "no big deal". It was a 300 yard match. Wind was the problem, not agging ability of the rifle. This was a 10.5# rifle with Ronnie's 118-9 bullets.

I think Gene Bukys did very well with his tuner, second in the 2 gun. I don't know about the 30BRs as I haven't seen an equipment list. MarkR, sounds like you know the folks that did good with both or do you really have a clue?
Thats what I heard. Was he using a tuner that he built himself?
Is this argument still going on??? If you are still under the impression that a 30 BR, 30PPC, or 30GR will not shoot as well as a 6PPC, then you need to build one and see for yourself, like many of us have.

I pulled out my HV 30BR at the 100 HV at the Crawfish, and took 2d, got beat by Gene Bukys.

With more good shooters trying 30's in Score, you will be hard pressed to stay on top in that game with a 6mm.

In my opinion, if the NBRSA does vote Varmint for Score in permanent next year, you will see more and more shooters switching to the 30 for both score, and group.

I am agonizing over that very thing myself right now............jackie
Who won at Chippawaw and did he have a tuner?

As you already know...Gene Bukys took the 2 gun agg with a 6ppc tuner, Bat action, Bartlein bbl, Scoville stock, Leupold scope, N133 powder and a Hottenstein bullet. : < 0