The bolt doesn't want to close with the poster's reloads buyt always functions correctly with factory loads.
The bolt doesn't want to close with the poster's reloads buyt always functions correctly with factory loads.
""""""""""""""""""""""You say you were using mixed brass when the problems occur? I once had the same problem when using military brass when reloading for a .308 Winchester chamber. Chambers and necks vary and the military brass sometimes has a much thicker neck wall than factory brass resulting in oversize rounds that will stick in the neck region when chambering. Be careful if this is happening as the pressures can go up quickly with the brass having no space for expansion. Check the neck diameters on reloads of various brass types and see what you get. If that's the problem the only solution is to remove brass from the neck by either reaming or turning or just buy new factory brass. You may have a minimum diameter neck with maximum diameter brass.
You guys are too good!!!
A Buddy of mine,,, found this post,,,, great info,,,,
Not all dies are equal..... disturbing,,, in a way,, But it gets closer to the info I was looking for...
That being what are the dimensions of the reamers? Trying to get that info is hard,,,,
I don't need it now that my gun runs,, but I am very surprised, that the dimensions,, info is so guarded,?? or that people, (the companies I have called and or e-mail don't know) Or just will not tell you,,
I do know I will never buy a regular full length sizing die again, I will go Small base from the get go..
I did more testing,, with ammo loaded with the small base,,die,,
And got a 1 inch groups at 200 I'm happy with that,, the wind was 10-15 and I'm shooting a 1.5-5 scope, with .5 click adjustments. Shooting prone from a bipod.
More than happy for a 3 Gun rifle.
Next, according to the DPMS website, your rifle is chambered for the 308 Winchester. 7.62 Nato is a different cartridge, and probably not good to be used in a semi-automatic designed to work off the gas pressures of a 308.
DPMS,,, tells you to only shoot,, Factory ammo,,,,
WHO does that????