30 cal bullet jacket availability



Has the supply ( or lack of) 30 cal jackets loosened up any? It seems powder, primers and brass is seeing daylight, but what of jackets for bullet makers?
I'm getting closer to giving up on BR.
From what I can see if your looking at short jackets the answer is No.
There are some 30 cal 1 inch jackets around. Some people are stuck with a 17 or 18 twist and insist on using the light bullets on their rifles.
You can make some really good bullets in 30 cal , on the 1 inch in weights from 118 to 125 grs. some will stabilize just fine and shoot very well. even with the slower twists.
The real problem with those jackets , is the cost, At 26 cents each and another 1 to 2 cent to deliver them its getting to costly to stock enough. Jacket prices are getting higher all of the time.
J4 Ceren has raised them several times. They would rather not sell them from the looks of things. Sierra also has raised it's prices.
I've told people if they supply the jackets I would make some , but they find out how much the jacket cost and back down.
Jacket 28 cents, lead about 5 cents we are at 33 cents before even making them Look at about $45 a box and feel lucky that someone will make them.
It sure isn't the bullet maker getting rich"""'
I don't mean to be hateful, but rather I am voting with my dollar.

I refuse to shoot a Berger bullet, unless there is no compeitive alternative. At any price.
Not sure what took place with Berger, SGJennings.
So, in short, the jacket market is still suffering the White House blues.
Not sure what took place with Berger, SGJennings.
So, in short, the jacket market is still suffering the White House blues.

I personally don't believe that this one was caused by the White House (No I'm not an Obama supporter)!
30 cal

The jacket prices jumped quite a bit.
The alternative is Sierra but they won't sell what we need right now. For some reason { Bullet orders supposedly} they claim to be too busy to
sell jackets in any larger quantity then 1000. That makes it tough, for two reasons 2 To get a custom jacket{cut to length] you need a quantity order to make it affordable
Due to the custom length charge.
In my other post I explained the cost factor with Burger[Ceran}
Necessity, the Mother of invention,

Mother will arrive, sooner or later. If there is a profit to be made making jackets, someone will satisfy the need. It's easy for me to see why bullet makers would rather sell their own bullets than components. I recently bought 1k of the 115's and from the packaging, looks to me like they plan to sell their own, straight ahead.
Mother will arrive, sooner or later. If there is a profit to be made making jackets, someone will satisfy the need. It's easy for me to see why bullet makers would rather sell their own bullets than components. I recently bought 1k of the 115's and from the packaging, looks to me like they plan to sell their own, straight ahead.

Ahhh the good ole days when I could make my own bullets on the weekends. Should have seen those guys faces at the matches when I told them I was shooting Speer 115gr bullets. I don't think they believed me. Then business picked up, the machines never sat idle and I was forced to buy hand swaged bullets.
Those were Great bullets

Ahhh the good ole days when I could make my own bullets on the weekends. Should have seen those guys faces at the matches when I told them I was shooting Speer 115gr bullets. I don't think they believed me. Then business picked up, the machines never sat idle and I was forced to buy hand swaged bullets.

I still have about 100 of them Rory. Some of the most consistent bullets, size wise, I have had to date.
