3 World Records at Holbrook indoor


Paul Bendix

Holbrook Sportsmen's Club had 8 shooters for it's first indoor AGBR Match.

Jeff Carroll SP-1 136 0X SP-2 181 0X Sp-3 184 0X AGG 501 0X

Jon Carroll M-1 235 4X M-2 239 2X M-3 223 2X AGG 697 8X

Doug Shea UL-1 247 4X UL-2 244 3X UL-3 248 7X AGG 739 14X
Craig Phillips UL-1 248 4X UL-2 247 1X UL-3 244 2X AGG 739 7X
Paul Bendix UL-1 242 1X UL-2 243 4X UL-3 238 1X AGG 723 6X
Dave Shattuck UL-1 242 2X UL-2 242 2X UL-3 236 0X AGG 720 4X
Norm Lieber UL-1 235 1X UL-2 235 1X UL-3 232 1X AGG 702 3X
Kate Bendix UL-1 229 1X UL-2 240 0X UL-3 232 0X AGG 701 1X

Three world records are in Bold
Jeff Carroll springer 184 0X
Jon Carroll match 239 2X
Doug Shea Unlimited 248 7X

Boy those FT airgunners can shoot!

Doug and Craig shot off my first front rests made out of a car scissor Jack!!!

I will post a few pictures tomorrow. Great shooting everyone!

I enjoyed meeting everone and I hope Martha shoots a full match next time. She did well on a practice target and a CAR JACK rest. Next Match I hope to have a BR stock.

Dave thanks for helping with the scoring and hope you made it home with your car problems.

Jeff I am glad we didn't have to send the target we had to take 11 points off. I did have my spotting scope in the car you could have used to check your target. Next time.

Norm Thanks for bringing your airguns. People enjoyed shooting your great looking .25

Jeff and Jon Two world record holders in one car! Nice meeting you both.


Dave Shattuck left, Doug Shea with record target, Paul bendix (back) Craig Phillips right.

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Congratulations to the shooters!!! Airgun Benchrest is starting to make its mark.

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Interesting equipment list . Just wondering if that was a CO2 QB79 or a converted HPA set-up? kirby
It looks like it has a gauge on the tank, that's usually for HPA. Still I see no reason why a CO2 set up right couldn't play the game , indoors especially. Thanks ; Nice shooting all of you. kirby
Congrats to all. Hopefully I'll be joining you soon. I'm Sending out a check for a Walther LGR tomorrow, looking for an FWB springer, and thinking about a PCP gun. Thanks ALOT, Dave Shattuck;)
Paul, Congratulations on the first indoor match and to Jeff, Jon and Doug with their new records shot. Paul I would love to see a picture of the jack you mention that Doug and Craig shot on.

Thank You for the pictures they were great. Keep up the good shooting, those scores will only improve.

Again Congrats to everyone,
