IMO there may be facts not presented here, possibly out of respect for all the work Jerry and Bill do at Fairchance, and have done in the past, and maybe respect for the NBRSA and Jack Neary Eastern Director. Possibly all the facts aren't publicized here on BR Central. If people want to boycott St Louis, go for it. Make sure to pick up your trash when done. The last people boycotting in this country left a mess. You should be happy just to have a place to shoot. Choices are dwindling.

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IMO there may be facts not presented here, possibly out of respect for all the work Jerry and Bill do at Fairchance, and have done in the past, and maybe respect for the NBRSA and Jack Neary Eastern Director. Possibly all the facts aren't publicized here on BR Central. If people want to boycott St Louis, go for it. Make sure to pick up your trash when done. The last people boycotting in this country left a mess. You should be happy just to have a place to shoot. Choices are dwindling.


Exactly, we are too small a sport to boycott a range for whatever reason. If it had been at Fairchance, I probably wouldn't have made it. It doesn't have a thing to do with the facilities of the range, but the 1450 miles or so to drive to get there. That and the proximity to another match the next month thats farther away that will take everything that I can do to make it there. I'll be fortunate to be able to make it if its in St. Louis.
Again, Fairchance understood what was required and just didn't execute the work. I shot there twice last year, and the restroom conditions were unacceptable for any venue.

Let's hope that those that are so concerned and comment on this issue show up at the Hog Roast in May!

See you there,
The people that told me they are not going to St Louis are not boycotting St Louis, they are pissed at NBRSA Board of Directors only.

Lee you are correct Fairchance knew what they had to do and was doing the work when Mr. Neary showed up, correct, that is what Mr. Neary told me. The Nationals was not a problem. If as you say the restrooms were unacceptable for any venue, then why was it good enough for Hog Roast and Eastern Regionals?

Again problem was to be resovled by Hog Roast and I believe that the Hog Roast is four months before NBRSA Nationals. It is quite obvious that the NBRSA board does not know how clubs work or that it is winter time here in the east and doing work on plumbing can not be completed till early spring at the best.

Mike, you are correct we are a small sport and not growing as we did in 80's and 90's, so why would the organization do this to one of four clubs that can currently hold a Nationals. Kelbly's have decided not to hold but one match a year and it is the Super Shoot which is not associated with any organization, for a number of reasons. Politics being one of the biggest reasons.

I still would like to see how the directors voted on this, votes by our Directors is one of the ways we decide who to vote for at next election (if there is a choice). It would be nice as well if the NBRSA Board minutes would show how directors voted on National events, this is not shown but other agenda items are shown how the directors voted, it was always precedent to show the votes in past.


This thread was started for the purpose of advertising the Hog Roast. Now you have taken it to the next level. If you wish to debate NBRSA, directors. their manner of conducting business, voting, publishing etc. please start your own thread and leave Fairchance alone.

This posting is for those of you that are doing all the complaining and posting derogatory comments along with regular supportive readers Jim, how can you post these derogatory comments regarding Fairchance when you possibly don't know all the facts. After all, you haven't been to Fairchance for a number of years and were certainly not there at the IBS Nationals.

On Aug 14, I, as a member of Fairchance and I believe maybe the only Bench Rest shooter that supports Fairchance as a member, attended the monthly membership meeting. At that meeting I addressed the membership about areas that required fixing, namely the washrooms/shower(s) (men's and the non-operating women's), the backers/moving backers and the electric in the field. I advised them that there were a lot of unhappy people here (guess the 95 degree temps didn't help) and from the sound of it the IBS were already looking to move IBS nationals for 2017 to another range. (Holton has been awarded) Several people commented that they were not coming back to Fairchance. I also advised them of the possibility that a world record has been lost due to the condition of the moving backers. As it turns out, Bob Scarbrough did lose a world record that had been held for several years. Those of you that were there know how well Bob did that week. So to recap, Fairchance knew on August 14,2016 that work had to be done. Following this, Fairchance was given four months notice to replace 2 toilets, the urinal and fix the showers to where they all worked. The NBRSA, not Jack Neary-he's only the messenger, advised Fairchance that the restroom situation had to be COMPLETED by Jan 31st in order to set the date for the Nationals. Shooters cannot wait till April/May to make plans, set dates or holidays etc. As Wayne mentioned earlier, all that was required was a plumber and $3000.00 and the nationals would have been at Fairchance. In January jack was informed that work had been done. Jack made his way to the club on his own time and own dollar only to discover the repairs were nowhere near completion. Jack had to report back to the powers to be where the decision was made to move the nationals. If anyone is to blame, it is the past executive member in charge/gun club NOT Jack Neary. Bill Reahard decided to gut the washroom which then created a major job.

This must have been one of the hardest decision Jack had to pass on with regard to losing the Nationals for the Eastern Regionals I would say that there is no one more dedicated and does more leg work for not only the Eastern Region, but for YOU, the shooters and the Bench Rest community than Jack Neary.

The reno/repairs of the restrooms are well underway and will be completed well before the Hog Roast.

Being a member at Fairchance, I wish to make it known that under the direction of the new executive that:


So Please, support the NEW executive at the Hog Roast by attending. They are working hard to rectify things.

Pre-registration: Jerry @ 724-569-2216 or Nestor @ 412-742-2427 or myself at dwh@nexicom.net or 705-944-4093

See you all soon

This morning we learn the CIA/FBI/FBU/CMT/SSY/ETAL can get into our smart phones...

Did we also learn the NBRSA BOD is doing things for ???? reasons??

Me?? Off to River Bend in about an hour.

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Dave of Fairchance,

Excuse me I did in no way put that this was Fairchances fault. I was sticking up for Fairchance and throwing the board of NBRSA under the bus. Please tell me where you see that I am upset with Fairchance. No I have not been to Fairchance in over 20 years, but I am a paying member of NBRSA and I am not happy with the unprecedented decision by the NBRSA board of Directors and taking away the Nationals from Fairchance and the Eastern Region, I was planing on shooting Eastern Regionals and NBRSA Nationals this year and now I will do neither since they removed the Nationals from Fairchance. It has NOTHING to do with the situation at Fairchance or St Louis. I am upset that there seems to a be a double standard on what a range has to have as facilities to hold the Nationals.

So Bill Reahard decided to give the shooters a better facility then just a quick fix, I think we should all applaud this, as the bathroom issue would not be a issue at all. Besides Mr. Neary walking in the bathrooms in January and flushing the toilet, does not prove that the problem was fixed for a 100 plus people to use them, maybe this is why Mr. Reahard decided to do it RIGHT and what he thought was best in long run for all.

You state you are a member of Fairchance, why are you ok with what NBRSA Board did to your club when the issue was being handled and to be ready for the Hog Roast four months before the Nationals.

By your post please tell me where I am saying Jack Neary is the problem, Jack and I have discussed this and many issues. Please quit trying to read between the lines on what I am stating.

I would attend the Hog Roast, but it is too close to the Super Shoot and I have a range to run as well.


Dave I ask you to reread my posts and tell me where I was stating a derogatory statement against Fairchance and if you would like to discuss this I am available 8 am to 3:30 pm M-F at 330-683-4674.

I have never been

to Fairchance. So in reality who am I to speak up.


I will defend the NBRSA Executive on the decision that was made. When something is said it will be done and is supposedly not even close........All it may have taken was a few phone calls to identify that things were behind. If money is an issue, banks have a lot of it. If labor is an issue, contract it out.

Sometimes it takes a shake up like this to get things done. In the end, the realization will possibly be "Why did we wait so long and let this one get away?"


Thanks Dave for clarifying.

This posting is for those of you that are doing all the complaining and posting derogatory comments along with regular supportive readers Jim, how can you post these derogatory comments regarding Fairchance when you possibly don't know all the facts. After all, you haven't been to Fairchance for a number of years and were certainly not there at the IBS Nationals.

On Aug 14, I, as a member of Fairchance and I believe maybe the only Bench Rest shooter that supports Fairchance as a member, attended the monthly membership meeting. At that meeting I addressed the membership about areas that required fixing, namely the washrooms/shower(s) (men's and the non-operating women's), the backers/moving backers and the electric in the field. I advised them that there were a lot of unhappy people here (guess the 95 degree temps didn't help) and from the sound of it the IBS were already looking to move IBS nationals for 2017 to another range. (Holton has been awarded) Several people commented that they were not coming back to Fairchance. I also advised them of the possibility that a world record has been lost due to the condition of the moving backers. As it turns out, Bob Scarbrough did lose a world record that had been held for several years. Those of you that were there know how well Bob did that week. So to recap, Fairchance knew on August 14,2016 that work had to be done. Following this, Fairchance was given four months notice to replace 2 toilets, the urinal and fix the showers to where they all worked. The NBRSA, not Jack Neary-he's only the messenger, advised Fairchance that the restroom situation had to be COMPLETED by Jan 31st in order to set the date for the Nationals. Shooters cannot wait till April/May to make plans, set dates or holidays etc. As Wayne mentioned earlier, all that was required was a plumber and $3000.00 and the nationals would have been at Fairchance. In January jack was informed that work had been done. Jack made his way to the club on his own time and own dollar only to discover the repairs were nowhere near completion. Jack had to report back to the powers to be where the decision was made to move the nationals. If anyone is to blame, it is the past executive member in charge/gun club NOT Jack Neary. Bill Reahard decided to gut the washroom which then created a major job.

This must have been one of the hardest decision Jack had to pass on with regard to losing the Nationals for the Eastern Regionals I would say that there is no one more dedicated and does more leg work for not only the Eastern Region, but for YOU, the shooters and the Bench Rest community than Jack Neary.

The reno/repairs of the restrooms are well underway and will be completed well before the Hog Roast.

Being a member at Fairchance, I wish to make it known that under the direction of the new executive that:


So Please, support the NEW executive at the Hog Roast by attending. They are working hard to rectify things.

Pre-registration: Jerry @ 724-569-2216 or Nestor @ 412-742-2427 or myself at dwh@nexicom.net or 705-944-4093

See you all soon



I will see you at the Hog Roast and if Jim Kelbly is supporting the range then he will be attending the shoot for the entire weekend as he said he would.

Russell Rains
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Please tell me where I stated I would be attending Fairchance for the Hog Roast. I will be home preparing our range for you and Dave to shoot the Super Shoot. I have only shot Fairchance several times back in 1980's and 1990's but I have always supported Fairchance both in sponsorship and in defending UNPRECEDENTED actions which could eventually happen to any range. You tell me why a range would want to bid on Nationals, get the Nationals, and then worry about the NBRSA telling them they need do do something or they will pull the Nationals from them. We are down to four ranges to hold the Nationals and maybe three now.

I became a NBRSA member back in 1973 when I shoot in my first Nationals at 11 years old. I spent about twenty years of my life from 18 to 38 doing various jobs for the NBRSA. Kelbly's is probably one of the biggest promoters of benchrest all over the world, yes it is part of our business, but at less than 3% of our total business sales, don't think we do for the money, it is for the love of the sport. So all you NEWBIES do not realize what I and my family have done for benchrest and the NBRSA. Benchrest as I stated is in my blood and in the 43 years I have been a member of NBRSA I have never seen the NBRSA in the poor state it is in now and I am not alone in this thinking. Maybe I am right maybe I am wrong but at least I give a sh#t.

Let me state this again, I have no problem with any range or individual in benchrest, I have a problem with the NBRSA Board of Directors.


Sorry I struck that nerve so hard.

Maybe one of these days I will see you on the firing line again as we are always looking for new and old shooters to compete against and grow our sport.

Russell Rains
I have always been told do what you say or pay the consequences.

Appears the latter has happened in this case.

We are all responsible for our action.

Maybe they will have the upgrades done for next year.